VP Papers, VP Security File


Lyndon B. Johnson served as the Vice President from January 20, 1961, until President Kennedy's assassination on November 22, 1963.

While Vice President, he served as president of the Senate and as chairman of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, the Peace Corps National Advisory Council, and the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity. He was also a member of the National Security Council, the Smithsonian Institution Board of Regents, the Civil War Centennial Commission, the Commission for Extension of the United States Capitol, and the United States Constitution 175th Anniversary Commission. Johnson also traveled extensively abroad during his vice presidency, representing the Kennedy Administration.

See also:

Vice Presidential series in the Pre-Presidential Daily Diary collection

 - Transcript of [President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity] Meeting, Meeting of July 18, 1963," Reference File, VP Papers-Civil Rights (artificial collection)

Vice President Papers of Lyndon B. Johnson, 1961-1963

- Less than 1% digitized
- Mostly available for research
- 15 series

The papers include Johnson’s correspondence with the public, especially people from Texas; members of the Kennedy administration; and members of Congress. The material pertains to a wide variety of topics and relates to his position as Vice President, his travels, and his activities as part of the Kennedy administration. The collection also includes’ office files maintained by Johnson’s aide, George E. Reedy. Record types include letters, telegrams, memorandums, notes, press releases, statements, reports, and clippings.

 For complete collection and series descriptions, visit the National Archives Catalog. [NAID: 18539626]

Jump to:

1.   Academy Nominations Files, 1/20/1959-11/22/1962
2.   Aircraft, 1961-1964
3.   Case Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963
4.   Chronological Files, 1/1961-11/1963
5.   Congressional Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963
6.   Correspondence of the Vice President-Elect, 1960-1961
7.   Correspondence of the Vice President-Elect relating to Inaugural Festivities, 1960-1961
8.   General Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963
9.   Master File Indexes, 1961-1963
10. Office of the Vice President Files, 1961-1963
11. Subject Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963
12. Travel Files
13. Unanswered Mail, 1961-1963
14. Vice Presidential Security Files, 1961-1963 [includes 10 subseries]
15. Working Papers of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 1961-1963



1. Academy Nominations Files, 1/20/1959-11/22/1962

- 5 linear feet
- 0% digitized

This series consists of correspondence with young men interested in attending the Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland; the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado; the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York; the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut; or the Merchant Marine Academy in Great Neck, New York.

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2. Aircraft, 1961-1964

- 0% digitized

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3. Case Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963

- 54 linear feet
- 0% digitized

This series includes correspondence from individuals, organizations, businesses, and local governments about their problems or interactions with federal agencies. The vast majority of the mail is from Texas and usually concerns actions the constituents are seeking from federal agencies or the military.

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4. Chronological Files, 1/1961-11/1963

- 18 linear feet
- 0% digitized

This series consists of carbon copies of outgoing correspondence, including letters, some outgoing telegrams, and a few interoffice memorandums from Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson's office.

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5. Congressional Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963

- 3 linear feet
- 0% digitized

This series consists of Lyndon B. Johnson's correspondence with and about members of the United States House of Representatives and Senate.

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6. Correspondence of the Vice President-Elect, 1960-1961

- 0% digitized

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7. Correspondence of the Vice President-Elect relating to Inaugural Festivities, 1960-1961

- 0% digitized

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8. General Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963

- 22 linear feet
- 0% digitized

This series consists primarily of correspondence. Most of the letters and telegrams have no specific subject or concern; many praise Johnson's performance as vice president, wish him well, or offer general advice.

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9. Master File Indexes, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963

- 21 linear feet
- 5% digitized
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This series consists primarily of yellow colored carbon copies of outgoing letters and interoffice memoranda annotated with the file classification of the incoming correspondence or related material.

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10. Office of the Vice President Files, 1961-1963

- 0% digitized

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11. Subject Files, 1/20/1961-11/22/1963

- 69 linear feet
- 2% digitized
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This series covers a wide range of public relations, legislative, political and administrative topics. Although it includes correspondence with people from all over the United States and from other countries, the majority of the correspondence is from Texas.

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12. Travel Files

- 1% digitized
- See all digitized items from this series
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13. Unanswered Mail

- 0% digitized

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14. VP Security Files

- 5% digitized
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The Vice-Presidential Security File consists largely of the files on Colonel Howard L. Burris, who served as Air Force Aide to the Vice-President following his appointment on February 25, 1961.  Burris' responsibilities included national security matters, contacts with the military, and foreign and domestic travel.  Burris continued as a Johnson aide until his retirement from the military in mid-1964.

11 subseries:


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Working Papers of the President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity, 1961-1963

- 0% digitized

See also: "Transcript of [President's Committee on Equal Employment Opportunity] Meeting, Meeting of July 18, 1963" from the Reference File

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