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  • President, Mrs. Walt Rostow, and the other men. Breakfast with them. 11:25 Dressed: black slacks, turtleneck, and red plaid blazer. 11:45 To living room 11:50 Walked with both Mrs. Rostows, Mrs. Goldberg, Mrs. Katzenbach from Aspen around perimeter of David
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place). Entry No. LBJ Ranch Date Saturday, September 24, 1966 Activity HG: Rostows, McHughs, George Hamilton not dictated 9:33 Left main house
  • and Nugents at St. Francis Xavier. 10:35 With President, Rostows, Lynda, George, Mr. Kellam, Mary Slater to Blanco Episcopal Church, St. Michael's, and All Angels. Services: in walked a yellow cat Comment on last Sunday's dog, Cat, and bird in the church from
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. Time White House Date Saturday, October 1, 1966 H.G.: MR. AND MRS. EUGENE AND WALT ROSTOWS, Activity 1. 9:10 With Dr. Cain
  • for the National City Christian Church. 10:03 Returned to White House - second floor. 10:30 Brunch in second floor dining room with the President. 12:15 President to Cabinet Room to meet with Secretary Rusk, McNamara, Katzenbach, and Mr. Rostow. 2. 12:55 Mr
  • dictated October 5 MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary THE WHIT E HOUS E WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. Time TONY TAYLOR'S HOME IN SANTE Activity FE DATE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1966 HG: Rostows, McHughs. 1
  • . services at St. Barnabas in Fredricksburg with the President, Lynda, Luci Mrs. Rostow, Melinda , Helene, Jim and Olivia Jones 10:46 returned to the ranch the press had been invited back to the house for coffee on the porch 2. the First Family then came
  • :35 Processed into the Field House for graduation exercises at Middlebury College. Was officially welcomed by Dr. Armstrong, who then introduced Walt Rostow. Mr. Rostow made the commencement address on "regionalism." Afterwards, CTJ congratulated
  • with President, McNamara, Rusk, John McCloy, Walt Rostow, Liz, Ashton, Jake, Marie, Mary. Talked about old-time senators and McCloy told of travels. 1:06 To ramp to say goodbye to Liz, Ashton, Rusk, McNamara, McCloy, Rostow 1:14 Main house with President. 3:05
  • . Bill Moyers and Walt Rostow joined. 1:05 To second floor w/ Bishops. 1:15 Hamburger in room alone. 3:55 To Honey Fitz for boat ride w/ President, Woodwards, Riordans, Mary Margaret and Courtenay, Lynda, George Christian, Vicky, Simon, Rostows, Boozers
  • . Dresser 1. 11:09 Departed White House with Mrs. Rowe drove around looking at beautification sites 12:50 Robin Duke and Mrs. Rostow arrived 12:55 Returned to White House - Mrs. Rowe departed 1:00 Diana MacArthur arrived 2. 1:30 Lunch with Lynda, Diana
  • House 5:00 Recorded 7:05 President back from office 7:20 Valentis arrived Entry No. Time Activity 7:25 Rostows, Justice and Mrs. Clark, Secretary and Mrs. Connor arrived 8:30 President and (8) for dinner 12:05 Rostows left and then others 12:45
  • at Andrews. 7:16 Arrived at the White House via chopper -- to the second floor. 7:29 Called Lynda. Entry No. Time Activity 7:30-8:30 Chief King. 7:42 Called Diana MacArthur. 8:11 Called Dr. Norman Hackerman. 8:22 Called Elspeth Rostow. 8:25 Dinner
  • to Texas with Lynda, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow. 12:44 a.m. Arrived at the ranch -- brief stop at the Cedar House to see that the Rostows were settled. To the main house. Retired. *******
  • lunch with Walt Rostow, Eugene Rostow, Secretary Fowler, M. Martin, Mr. Deming, Mr. A. Okun, and Mr. E. Freed) 4:45 Worked with Ashton. 5:30 Dorothy Territo. 6:05 Clark Clifford. 7:55 Mr. Clifford left. Recorded. 11:15 Dinner with the President. 11:30-12
  • The President to his office). Recorded (?) Kept looking at hands of clock 3. 5:55 Mr. Rostow, Averill Harriman, and Ambassador Dobrynin to the second floor for the President. Talking of Bolshoi coming to S.A. [San Antonio] Everyone cautiously took a Coke. Bright
  • to talk about the trip with President. 10:21 Walt Rostow and Bill Jorden came to West Hall to talk with Liz, Bess, CTJ. 11:40 Rostow and Jordan left. 12:40 Bess left second. 12:45 Lunch: scrambled egg, toasted roll, bacon, Sanka. 1:20 Liz came down from
  • (Clark Clifford) Secretary and Mrs. Fowler Congressman and Mrs. Mahon Him Mr. and Mrs. Rostow Secretary and Mrs. Wirtz 4:25 On boat: President went above deck in sun. Joined by Califano and wife, Hale Boggs, Secretary Fowler, Patsy, Abe Fortas, Clark
  • , Miss Sally Engelhard, and Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow. It was Elspeth's birthday and we celebrated with gifts and a cake. Sat on sun porch -- played bridge with Lynda, Charles Engelhard, and CR Smith. Inside to pack. Entry No. Time Activity 5:16 Went
  • Ranch. 12:30 A.W. and Mariallen came. Had Bloody Marys and watched Walt Rostow on TV in the living room. 1:00 Lunch - Fried chicken and rice. Called Walt Rostow on the phone. 2:08 With the President and Ashton, returned to LBJ Ranch on chopper. 3:00 Nap
  • To the second floor; the President returned to his office. Worked on old family albums with MW. 4:40 To the Diplomatic Reception Room to greet guests for the boat: Mr. and Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. Rostow, Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, Mr
  • joined to discuss Europe 2:00 To dentist 3:00 Returned to room. Talked on phone to Rostow and Elaine. Talked to Mary Lasker re: Nancy Morris 3:45 Talked to Liz 6:50 To first floor just to look at table with Liz and Patsy. Changed dresses. 7:10 To first
  • Mrs. Clifford 10:47 Arrived Agnes Beauty Salon 12:15 Left Agnes 12:35 Main ranch 12:40 Lunch w/ President, Cliffords, General Goodpastor, Walt Rostow, Leonard Unger, Jake Jacobsen, Marie, and Vicky. 2:26 w/ Mrs. Clifford to birthplace 3:12 w/ Mrs
  • for dinner w/ Lady Jackson Attorney General and Mrs. Katzenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow.
  • . and Mrs. Rostow, and Harry McPherson, and Mr. Norman Hackerman. 10:35 Guests left. 10:45 Left the White House to visit with Liz at her home. 1:30 Returned to the White House. Lunch with Bess -- roast beef sandwich, hot bouillon, Waldorf salad. Worked
  • Grounds. 4:25 Returned to the second floor. Worked with Ashton. 5:50 Joined Liz and Nan Robertson (New York Times -- had done a series of articles on beautification) in the Grape Arbor. 6:50 Returned to the second floor where Elspeth Rostow was waiting
  • for refreshments: Mr. and Mrs. George Christian, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Riordan, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Valenti, Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow, Mr. and Mrs. Krim, Mr. and Mrs. Bill White, Marie Fehmer, and John Criswell. 9:05 Dinner. Vichyssoise, filet of beef with mushrooms
  • and Mrs. Rusk. Guests: Herblock, Senator and Mrs. Monroney, Senator and Mrs. Cooper, Joe Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Sisco (State Department), Mr. and Mrs. Walt Rostow, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kintner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moyers, Mr. and Mrs
  • Depart via chopper with the President, the Valentis, Riordans, Bill White, and Bill Deason (Mmes. Deason and White returned via car). 4:12 Returned to White House. 4:15 Tea on second floor with Ambassador Kohler, J, Symington, Walt Rostow, Sol Linowitz
  • House to pick up the Rostows -toured Johnson City while passing through. 2:10 Arrived El Rancho Restaurant -- joined Lynda for lunch. 3:11 Left the El Rancho. 3:24 Arrived at the University of Texas tower -- toured it and the academic center. 5:10 Toured
  • To St. Barnabas Church for services with the President, Lynda, Mrs. Rostow, Diana Heiges, and Mr. and Mrs. Crook -- afterwards returned to main ranch -- then toured ranches. 1:03 Returned to the main house -- lunch. 2:51 Drove to the Danz, 80 Acres
  • THE WHITE HOUSE MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON, Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson began her day at (Place) Entry No. The LBJ Ranch Date Monday, May 13, 1968 Activity Time ND Breakfast. 1:25 With the President, Mr. and Mrs. Rostow, Congressman
  • Jetstar with the President, Mr. and Mrs. Rostow, Peter. 7:45 Left Bergstrom via Air Force One. 11:10 Arrived Andrews Air Force Base -- to the White House. 11:41 Arrived at the White House. Talked with Lynda. 2. 12:00 Worked with Bess on lists. Lunch
  • with Marilyn on albums and mail. 10:00 Worked with Ashton. 10:20 Recorded. Talked with Arthur Krim on the phone -- also Walt Rostow and Madame Shoumatoff. 12:30 Lunch alone in dressing room -- steak, broiled grapefruit, tomato. 12:45
  • -- the President went to his office -- I went to the second floor with the rest of the family. 3. 2:00 Lunch with the President, Lynda and Chuck, Luci and Pat. 3:30 To the swimming pool. 4:03 Returned to the second floor. Recorded. 4. 7:25 Mr. and Mrs. Rostow, Mr
  • clothes. Worked a bit at desk. 2:00 To the State Dining Room to greet members of the Overseas Educational Fund group on tour (Elspeth Rostow). 2:20 Returned to the second floor. 2:25 To the President's office to see tape of his interview -- Dean Rusk
  • THE WHIT E HOUS E MRS. LYNDO N B . JOHNSON , Daily Diary WASHINGTON Mrs. Johnson bega n he r da y a t (Place) . Entry No. Time The LBJ Ranch Date Sunday, Januar y 7 , 196 8 Activity 1:20 Drove with Secretary Battle and Walt Rostow
  • Hairdresser 7:00 Leave hotel in car w/ Mrs. Burns - Brief farewell at airport 7:30 Depart Hawaii. Sat in cabin with President, Mrs. Lee, Bill Crockett, Jim Symington, Walt Rostow, Liz, Marie, Mary, Ashton (removed many leis) 8:30 Rest on bed - nap 11:40 Dress
  • that at the beginning one’s problems seem unsolvable 6:00 Left with guests to Navy Yard: Mr. and Mrs. Rostow, Mr. Warren Woodward, Bess and Tyler Abell, Les and Liz Carpenter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Marks, Mr. and Mrs. Horace Busby, Mr. and Mrs. George Christian, Mr
  • in the morning. 1. 1:00 Lunch with President, Secretary McNamara, General Earl Wheeler, Walt Rostow, George Christian, Hal Pachios, Tom Johnson, Marie, Mary. Talked about elections. 2. 1:45 To front yard for presidential press conference with Secretary McNamara