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  • will be issued to all game partici­ pants under separate cover. UNCLASSIFIED B-1 ~, -~ CRISIS CHR0NOLOGY 5/23/67 TO: Ed Roberts (thru Harry Beach) Would you be good enough to file this "BETA in "SMKeeny. NSC Staff Member" files. War Games" Thanks
  • Problem in Portugal. · Actions from here on out; - looking toward the post-Salazar period. 3. Europe. U. S. policy in the event of: a) break-up of the EEC; b) the failure of the Kennedy Round. 4. Indonesia. U. S. policy, in event that Sukarno leaves
  • ---------------- Mr. Robert Lincoln--------------------------- USIA RADMR. B. Lynch, USN------------------------ J-5 LGENRichard C. Mangrum, USMC--~------------- USMC Mr. Leonard H. Marks--~---------------------- USIA LGENRichard D. Meyer, USA
  • Secretary Assistant to Governor OASD/ISA, Formerly of Defense for Far Mr. Richard Goodwin, President's Summer Study Group and Center for Advanced Studi~s, Wesleyan, Formerly Assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson and Deputy Assistant Secretary