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  • to the people. As a matter of fact, I cited a case of Roosevelt when the banks were closed in 1933. I was then managing editor of the Oregonian, or city editor, I've forgotten which, but anyway I went out to lunch and when I came back up Alder Street--in those
  • that. C: We saw him a lot. Ed Weisl came out; we saw him a lot. The publisher of the Denver Post was Palmer Hoyt. We saw him, and I think he was also--I've forgotten who was publisher of the Portland Oregonian. It seems to me it was owned by the Denver
  • in a disadvantaged position to follow [them]. F: And at that stage I'm sure a lot of Oregonians were still voting for Wayne Morse as a Republican. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories
  • 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: Green -- I -- 29 had written those memos. I do remember that one of the--Bob Smith, who wrote for the Oregonian, was down at the White House on the day that LBJ
  • Omaha World - Herald The Oregonian The Patriot Philadelphia bulletin DNC Papers, Series 2 48 National Archives and Records Administration National Archives Catalog FOLDER