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73 results

  • - Head of Division of Education in Ford Foundation and former head of schools in Newton, Mass. until Monday 7-20-64 To to meet the Right Honorable Keith J. South Grounds w/ General Clifton Holyoake, Prime Minister of New Zealand - walked to Flower
  • of the steps, the President greeted: The Prime Minister/ The RighT Hon Keith J. Holyoake, C.H., and Mrs. The Amb of USA, H.E. Herbert B. Powell, and Mrs. Powell , The Prime Minister then introduced the President to: Mr. J. V. Meach, C.V.O.. Secy for Internal
  • Spessard Holland Manatos the South Lawn for ARRIVAL CEREMONY for The Right Honorable Keith Holyoake, C. H. Prime Minister of New Zealand w/ Mrs. Johnson /HITE HOUSE Date Qct IENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON 9, 'resident began his day at (Place) Day Time
  • Minister, the Right Hon. Keith Holyoake, C. H. Datr October 20, 1966 Government House Wellington, New Zealand D^v Thursday (Mrs. Johnson then proceeded to the "Wareham" —for luncheon. ) ! The front of the Parliament Househad many demonstrators
  • . Luci came in to visit. Worked with Bess. 11:26 To the President's office. 2. 11:33 To the South Grounds with the President, Luci, and Lyn for arrival ceremony for Prime Minister Holyoake of New Zealand. 3. 12:10 Returned to the second floor. Coffee
  • to front garden. 9:00 Hairdresser 9:40 To foyer w/ President to meet staff. To drawing room to exchange gifts. Pix. Said goodbyes. Received painting and encyclopedias. 2. 10:00 Left with Mrs. Holyoake and Mrs. Powell. 10:20 Arrive A) Lady Norwood Rose
  • . Met with Clark Clifford, Buzz, and Bill. Lunch on first floor. 2:30 In West Hall with above and Harry Ransom, Bill Heath, Frank Erwin, Lawson Knott. 2. 3:15 To Yellow Oval Room to greet Mount Holyoake student interns and June Erwin and Mavis Heath 3:50
  • Thursday President began his day at (Place) Day In Time Telephone 1• 1 Out Lo 12:20p 12:27p 12: 27p f i or t Activity LD The Right Honorable Keith Holyoake, C. H. Prime Minister of New Zealand Jones 12:30p ~ t Temple 12:31p t Jones 12:32p 12
  • , Canberra , Australi a * , } The Presiden t of f the ^Wb front o f the plan e followed by Amb. John Keith Walle r Peter Barnet t Roy McCartney Greeted by ...-- . Lord Casey, the Governor General of Australia Mr. JohJohn n McEwen , th e Prim e Ministe
  • r departin g I Ip^K fo r thei r posts . p I c ^^ . ^^ /HITE HOUSE D HEKT LYNDO N B. JOHNSON ate April MARY Resident began his day at (Place) Time .. In Out The White House Lo Thursday "Ex. - the Prime Minister of New Zealand - Keith
  • Okakea Air Base - New Zealand. Met by Prime Minister and Mrs. Holyoake. Typical Maori welcome - little girl presented flowers to CTJ. President made brief speech and shook hands around fence. 4:55 Left Okakea on New Zealand CD6 6. 5:35 Arrive Wellington
  • Zealand. They noted .t hat Prime Ministers d Keith'
  • /29/66 A A #9a letter ~Es-IBE-N!F ROM MDT s ecret l 03/29/66 A ii i.i. .i@1;-: l p 03/29/66 A 2 p undat ed A # # JE CI e t ~ 1-rr-cfl.{ · e n t from PM Keith Holy o a k e ~ n
  • I conferred with Prime Minister Holyoake. He wants to attend the.Assembly in person if he possibly can and will otherwise send a Cabinet-level delegation. You will no doubt have read of the recent visit of the Moral Re-Armament task force, together
  • [Diary Backup] Page 36 ... J 4 ..,,) I )1 - .I /J ...I' Official Visit of H.E. The Right Honorable Keith Holyoake, Prime Minister of New Zealand ...., . .....,~:-- - -)0/11/ 0·g, - ,.: I H.E. Abba Eban, Foreign Minister of Israel
  • and attention . -given to Hrs. Holyoake . and me ·at - the space . center today. · With .warm ,p·e rsonal regards , Keith Holyoake * c:.'.rZ - / q/r> i:XECUTIVE October •• 1968 t'.J 1/- / PERSONAL Dear Mr. Parkers It wa• thoughtfw of yea to eee that I
  • the apapers and pictures on his desk--dictated a message PM Holt of Australia and told BM to write a string oneto Holyoake congratulating on his victory in hiselection. —. Wesley West ^^ To the living room after greeting Arthur Krim in the office. Joined ! Dr
  • - - - - - - ...-------- - ~- - .,. ,, .. Saturday, July 30, 1966 -- 10:30 a. m. Mr. President: ' I . ~t f~ -r i recommend you sign the attached letter to Prime Minister Holyoake of New Zealand, drafted by State Dept. There is also t attached a copy of the Prime Minister's letter to you
  • said In New Or leans, we said We are in close touch with our negotiators. We concluded we should stop bombing to test their faith Ordering it at a certain time. Gorton, Holyoake will take it. The Koreans, Thais will gi~e us trouble
  • by memoranda fro m Sec y Rus k an d Bundy. PM Holyoake i s i n tow n fo r ANZU S Council , an d i n vie w o f the President' s recen t v si t w / Menzies o f Australia, i t wa s fel t tha t thi s mt g shoul d tak e plac e i n vie w o f his supp < r t o f the US
  • from a number of high-ranking Government officials and military leaders of various Countries. They included Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States; Prime Minister K. J. Holyoake of New Zealand; Prime Minister Tage Erlander of Sweden
  • King Vatthana Savang, vol. I Chehab Prime Minister Muntasir Tunku Tuanku Syed Putra Tuanku Ismail Nasiruddin Shah Prime Minister Holyoake, vol. I 11/25/63 - 1/30/67 7/4/67 - 9/4/68 11/30/63 - 12/3/64 8/30/67 - 10/4/68 12/68 - 1/69 12/25/67 - 1/11/68 12
  • in filling out his contingent from current strength of 6, 500 to about 9, 000. New Zealand ( 1) They had a long list of reasons they should do more. (2) Prime Minister Holyoake said he would study the proposal and bring the public along. (3) The only
  • , with best wishes. Lyndon B Johnson" "To Sir Bernard, with best wishes. Lyndon B Johnson" "To Prime Minister Holyoake, with warm regards. Lyndon B Johnson" Datr October Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii ^^. 18, 1966 Tuesday AcHvhy (inc)ude visited
  • Arrival ceremony for Prime Minister & Mrs. Holyoake, New Zealand; Lady Bird names guests; Leon Uris offers manuscripts to LBJ Library; Lady Bird has remarks about Lyn Nugent; lunch; recording diary; visit with Lynda Robb, Luci & Lyn Nugent; massage
  • informed of your decision and hope and both have signed. So have Prime Ministers Holyoake of New Zealand, Krag of Denmark and Borton of Norway. •[ Mr. Kosygin, after lengthy and careful consider.s.ti.on, has dec.ided not to sign on the ground that he
  • Honorable Keit h J . Holyoake , Prim e Ministe r an d Minister o f Externa l _ _ #813-A, wit h th e ai d o f | Th William Jorden , tellin g j Affairs , Ne w Zealan d _-^_ _ ____ _ the member s o f th e pres s I Hi s Excellenc y Si r Stephe n Weir. KBE . CB
  • to the EEOOC. He told BM to tell Joe Califano that he, Fowler, and O'Brien should stay on top of the political d ments and keep the President posted on any matters which they thought he should consider. BM informed Pres that P Holyoake wanted to holda joint