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24 results

  • . and Mrs. John Gonella Dr. George Davis, pastor of the National City Christian Church Mrs. Landon (Mary Sue)Winstead (Dr. Davis' ^H^^ daughter) Dr. Tim Davis (Dr. Davis' son) t Dr. Davis conducted brief church services by swimming pool at Camp David Dr
  • for Eisenhower, of course, but also this was one of the counties for Willkie, as I recall, when he ran in 1940, and also [for] the man from Kansas--what is his name? F: Landon . B: Landon . I think Tulsa County, you will find, was one of those for Landon
  • , but it was, I suppose, the manner of delivery. F: I know when Alf Landon used to get up, you must remember the newsreels, when Landon ran against Roosevelt. D: I took an avid interest in that. I followed. I was only eleven or twelve, but I had two very new
  • Republican that ever was chief of staff of the Democratic Policy Committee. He never asked me my [political affiliation]. Of course, I can't say that I was a great Republican. I voted for [Alfred] Landon in college when I was a Young Republican, went
  • Brodkins Producer of The Defenders TV program and joined Stuart Rosenberg Director of The Nurses TV program Pres John Loeb NYC OFF Weisl Senator Abraham Ribicoff New Landon Conn RECORD Senator Clinton Anderson Atlantic City The Presiden t walke d out
  • Black Anderson Under Secy had asked the phone Southampton NY NYC of Treasury Frederic Deming for Secy Fowler but he was talking to Landon on LUNCH - alon e (sitting a t th e tabl e wit h him , though , wer e Bil l Moyers, Horac e Busby , Max Harry
  • Tedeschi; Joseph Curran; Edgar H. Reeder; Monroe R. Bethman; George Davis; Carl L. Phinney; Edmund M. Gulewicz; Daniel F. Foley; John Shannon; Congress~en Fulton, Kilgore, Rogers, and Roush; and Senator Yarborough. Also, correspondence with Alfred Landon
  • this .thing also on the Presidential candidate? Are they opposed to that? P: They said that any indication of uncertainty, Dick, just makes • ." ." D: (Interrupts) I know but I mean - you recall that even Roosevelt did it a couple 0£ times in the Landon
  • Oscar Dancy, County Judge, Cameron County, Brownsville, Texas Dear Judge Dancy: I have read copy of letter Mr. C.R.Landon,District Agent, sent you relative to the poison tor rats which the county is distributing to the farmers. ·Mr. Landon advised
  • obert G. Al.Ion Mrs. David Alier Frank Alrschul Paul Shipman Andrews James Rowland Angell Lwgi Antoaini Douglas Arant Geor_Se B. Armstead W. Carapbell Armsuoog Charles Flinn Arrowood Burnham Asch Herbert Ashton Alfred Atldnsoa Frank Aydelotte Dana
  • ) / Mrs. Gaynette Flowers / General Information Code – RA (11) / Center-Central Gulfport, St. John / Town- Gulfport Gulfport, St. Marks / Harrison, Area 15 / Mrs. Flowers Code – RB (16) / Center-Gaston Point / Town-Gulfport Code – RD (3) / Center – Landon
  • , Dr. Alfred [Jan. 1983] 12 Stone, Dr. Deborah A. MIT [Feb. 1982] 12 Storfer, Miles Office of Policy and Economic Res. New York [Feb 1982-Mar 1983] 12 Strauss, The Honorable Robert The White House [May 1980] 12 Strong, Roy JAWP Coordinator Utah
  • were of a Republican In fact, in a straw poll that had been conducted the week before, Mr. Landon was an overwhelming first and Mr. Roosevelt ran third behind Norman Thomas. And before a student sample of this type he predicted that Mr. Roosevelt
  • /loh/oh DUBINSKY -- I -- 22 It became the law of the land, and the way of life, the general policy. And you remember, probably, when Roosevelt came in with the New Deal, and Landon was a candidate in 1936, and he was supposed to have been elected
  • more in I remember back in the campaign of Alf Landon when my family and my best friend's family were the only two families in our elementary school that were for Alf Landon. So I guess I have Republican credentials that go back quite a way. But I
  • and Chester Davis and George Peek. It was the Roosevelt/Landon campaign, We had Marvin Jones out there as the chair~an of our speakers bureau. F: Right. P: Because he was chairman of the House Agricultural Committee. F: We, incidentally, got Marvin
  • before April 20. Progress is satisfactory in Waco. From Austin these.roe. From Texarkana a Republican editor, who voted tor Landon, says, "I em afraid the pro­ Roosevelt people going to beat Bleylock in this congressionsl dis­ trict." (Bl"lock being
  • tlon of the InternatlOnaJ Court or Justice. or being right, aa ,hen, 1n 1136, he predicted An aU-powertuJ int.ehiatlpnal army, w1th an that AU Landon would carry only two States. all-pow r!ul court uider tbe same control as It'• bard for us t1) nvallow