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264 results

  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • -. - .-. -: ...· . -- . - --- ;- sPMrCU'.E,11-v ALSUM CF PHOTOCilA~HS FOil CH!USTMAS 1968 • ) 18 Ma 68 A-5840-16 22 Ju 65 A-710-17A 5 De 67 A-5211-06A 5 De 67 A-5213-13 3 Ap 68 A-5994-03A 23 Jy 65 A-893-09A ~:,:,,~j . . . 26 Jy 68 A-6607-05 29 Ap 68 A-6165-33 23 Se 65 A-1363-29A 5 Jy
  • White House staff
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ,;i. =j0() II ~ /~-7-13. NL.J9:;;,-/t>~ 14a cable Intelligence Infoqnation Cab:;,:;:;~~~~;! U-ll"J 7/8/67 E,,_ . "' ~P.P· -f>
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • :·million in~Wg1;ia..Bank debt' relief is additional..,J "a-n
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Bandstra Cong Cong WaLter Baring Cong Cong Edward Boland — Cong Cong John Brademas Cong Cong Jack Brooks Cons Cong George E. Brown, Jr Cong Cong John H. Buchanan, Jr Cong Cong Janes Burke ! Cong Cong Laurence J Burton Cong Cong Phillip Burton Cong Cong Hugh
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • TM^*WH§TE HOUSE Datf PRESIDENT LYNDON B. JOHNSON DARY MARY December The President began his day at (Place) Entry f t^t . Tbne Tetephone . in Out Lo LBJ RANCH ^^ or t Expend.. Acttvtty LD Ck^c 4: 1 3a ————, t , 4, 1966 Sunday (tnciude
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • t1A-X GAff15of/ Cd(.£ Sf-~½.SdvV l;)uu~ Cou~ '' ~u~ ~E ,. 1 ~uut>.f EW/{LT-- l;fAS/1, • G-w~PacrV(' ~-~-j_ , t-~T ~d Llo1j Dev0ck111f Paru~ lhA,sl,Llt)Yc,~ -M~CRWtUl'-(w... ~7 vo+eti1:6~" 1f) ~j__~rL!P/rA~r ~ A~fot~ te,r1wtJ..v~d.JI
  • Mangan, James W.
  • Folder, [Correspondence and clippings from James and Peter Mangan], Papers of James W. Mangan, Box 1
  • Papers of James W. Mangan
  • . M c G e o rg e B u n d y COPY LBJ LIBRARY T . , • M IK E . M A N S .-IE !_ D M O N TA.'-A ^Srateit ^ t ;d e 3 ^ a t a i’e ©fftce of ilrc ^^ajoviiu ^ a s h u i^ t o iT , June 22, I 965 The P re s id e n t The W hite House Washington, D . C
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . , ,Joseph , Eldon AN.,-David , ~~8 ,GU • -Wemer, P. • W CEY Archbishop Robert E◄ •rum J Rabbi P• .........,~~~-...GHT, John S. 19. 20. 21 •. 22. 23. xSHITH, Stanford • 1,.PATTERSON,· Ellgene Donald ,. ·1CGANNON, >.ELSON,F.dwardL.R. (Dr.) i.lruNRO
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • White House Central Files
  • ()/( WHCAForm #16 28 Jan 66 All previous R A63U5-21 A6J20•10 22-26& 21-20& A6012•ll A6141•29 A6014•1J 5J41k03 A6024•1J 55-16& 59.37 25-26& 34-34 76-32& Jl-09a -31& 11-05 45-06 ' 82-13& 54-32 63-15a 91-21& 66-18 93•03a A6103-09a 94-11 A6200-04 05-23 01-08 -20
  • White House staff
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • .\ ' ...,..,.._.....__.; FILE COPY THE WHITE HOUSE W A SHIN G TON March 20, 1964 NATIONAL SECURITY ACTION MEMORANDUM NO. 291 MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE The Preside nt is quite concerned over the prospect that we may very quickly lose our
  • Folder, "NSAM # 291: Libya Base Rights, 3/20/1964," National Security Action Memorandums, NSF, Box 3
  • 1964-03-20
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • January 10, 1966 White ll:35a To Pat*- TuesdayWhite House p^v January 11, 1966Activity (include visi Oval Office w/ JV ll:45a To mjdr's room to read the first edition of the Evening Star _ ^ll;55a t Drew Pearson (b. 1) (returning his call
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • .n e 'P:t... ~--~-A- · · r.--:1.llili 1;. ~ ..,._..,i iJii;l,.-..~eq~ lf'l\4. il:il·A · · · · .. ·. '•"" A• ~.d ,,;:t4.. ~~-tiliv;r; •. " ii;~-· ~w·~h• li"·~•~Y The Special to th• P r•Hli4•at l-o• Sctl hcte · and ·T edmoloa Th
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • -- 13, 1966 to be ready to show movies afterdinner) n^e May White House p^. Activity (inctude visited bv) ture 13, 1966 Friday ExpendiCode Luci --to come down and join him (she was in the solarium w/ some friends and Pat N. Joined on the second
  • 1966-05-13
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • **»m HOUS E DENT LYNDO N B . JOHNSO N T ,. Dat e Augus *" " . LBJ RANC H President bega n hi s da y a t (Place ) D Time Telephon .1 In Ou tL ? - 0 e I or t ..... Activit oI L D . 9:37a Outsid e Mai n House - i n ca r 9:38a Depar t
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • 'SECRET /NODIS Thursday. July 20, 1967 2:25 p. m. Mr.. President: Herewitn a note assublng Clark and Gen Taylor a good reception in Canberra. w. W. Rostow · Canberra 301 SECRET WWRostow:rln DECLASSIFIED E.O . 12356, Sec. 3.4(b) Whicr H()WjC
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • PRA C TIC A BLE A IR SU P P O R T, W H ILE M A IN TA IN IN G AAW PO STU R E. OWN G P-3 - BT s IN FO ...........C JC S-2 D J S - 3 S J C S -1 J 3 - 6 D I A - U NMCC-2 JR G -2 C SA -2 C SA F-2 CMC-10 O SD -15 (W H ITE HOUSE ) - 3 ( S T A T E ) (D IR N
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ; FADED COPY LBJ LIBRARY . .. r 1 -] I t - ] T c « .S E e n iT 181944 "A” f 181946 .• /S5 •PROCEEDING M IN UTES 2001 4 / C-200 S-20 \05 0 /o EDWARDS’ IND. TRACK OF SKUNK S-20 t o p ^ ec d ei . 34 COPY LBJ LIBRARY Jop-Secw t TO P
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • COPY LBJ LIBRARY t '• l/ THE WHITE HOUSE W A S H IN G T O N . T O P ,S-ff C P F T , M o n d a y , J u ly 26, 1965 11:30 A . M . ' M E M O R A N D U M F O R T H E P R E S ID E N T T h i s is th e a g e n d a f o r th e n o o n m e e t i n g . T
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • / charts an d pointer t o discuss his activities i n th e DMZ. BREAKFAST Walt W. rosto w joine d Aboard A F On e 8697 0 from Korat . RTAFB . wer e th e following : The President Mr. W . Marvi n Watson . Specia l Asst t o the President Mr. Georg e Christian
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . , St. Louis, Mo. Hon. Hulan E Jack, NYC Mrs. Marnette Jackson, West Hxy Hyattsville, Md M. C. Jamison, Yoakum, Tex More on 3a Date June White House ^ ) . 3, 1966 FRIDAY Expendi- Activity (include visited bv) ture Pres. returned to Oval Rm Ofc
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • :// National Archives and Records Administration LBJ Presidential Library NSF, Vietnam Country Files Box # 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32
  • or b y the a g e n c y w h ic h o r ig in a te d th e d ocu m en t. j' (C ) C lo s e d in a c c o r d a n c e w ith r e s tr ic t io n s c o n ta in e d in th e d o n o r ' s d e e d o f g ift. GE N E R A L SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA OC 7 3 . 4 9 5
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • a n c e w i t h r e s t r i c t i o n s c o n t a i n e d i n t h e d o n o r ' s d e e d of g i f t . GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA DC 7 3 - 4 9 5 GSA FORM 7 1 22 (7.7 2) N A T I O N A L A R C H I V E S AND R E C O R D S S E R V I C E
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • Trust Receipts Act - Aug. 22-28, 1933 Uniform Trusts Act - Sept. 20-25, 1937 Check book stubs Notes [Misc. Legal Papers] Bank Statement Rotary lawyers' Directory - 1935 [Texas, Michigan, American Bar Ass'n Publications (1937-1948)] 1938 Annual Report
  • conversation with President Costa e Silva today, I raised our proposal of a Castello Branco Scholarship. I told Costa e Silva that President Johnson did not wish to move on this until he had the banefit of his vie~ but that 1£ he did move, he only -w ished
  • See all scanned items from NSF Memos to the President Box 20
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 37, August 1-10, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 20
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • !nent.!_ ; Increased tempo of operations 92 35 .. 156 286 22 50 • 555 0 23 52 270 in Southeast Asia l"equil'es conversion or add.5.ttonal BVJlShips, installa.tion of a.ddJtional electronics counter­ measures, 1ncraased overhauls, rno1'e
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ~• 12 apots a cay; Donal hanilea · eeount; oDon le oe do n to illiama i a ys, 'Tim, w t o you t e to t lk ab 1ut tod y'l" im says, '* o, run eo m in line e rt ent ani t • look tour n w pl- stio t ble .ta nd ~~v aowethin~ bout th.era..' •·,roDonal look
  • Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963)
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • to the Pres. re Latin America S 1 p. ~ • ,., ~ 5,.~ ,; . . -vl,, $ 't~ ~ All J 71 Lj} '/lt/- 4/22/67 A ot=E.JJ lD 2,t ."8 ~ ...-J to-2, .c:-;e FILE LOCATION National Security File, Memos to the President, Walt Rostow, Volume 26, April 16-30, 1967
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • ) C losed l)y sU tu te o r liy th e ag e n cy w liich originated th e docum ent. (C) a o s e d in a c co rd an ce with restrictio n s co n tain ed in th e d o n o r ' s d ee d o f gift. 5/22/2014 initials _______________ 1 COPY LBJ LIBRARY
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • April 16, 1964 c:: . Mr. George Reedy Press Secretary The White House Washington, D. C. Dear Mr. Reedy: '?!< e.-:1 /T1' President Meany will be receiving Mr. Ludwig Rosenberg~ and Mr. Tran quoc Buu on various dates coinciding with a meetingC.8 (11
  • White House Name Files
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • White House Central Files
  • . -SECRET-NODIS attachment MEMORANDUM THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Tuesday., June 20., 196 7 -&.E"C R £ 'r-N OD IS MEMORANDUM FOR MR. ROSTOW SUBJECT: Ambassador Bunker's Proposals I would have to vote against the proposals. I don't think they will work
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 31, June 13-20, 1967"
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 31, June 13-20, 1967 [1 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 17
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • LBJ’s Ranch 5/17/1967 3/3/69) 5/16/1967 5/16/1967 5/16/1967 7/24/1963 4/6/70, 4/20/70, 4/22/70 4/6/70, 4/15/70 2/11/1963 12/2/1962 12/2/1962 10/8/65, 11/29/65 8/6/1961 6/21/1968 8/11/1961 Sep-55 Oct-55 LBJ’s Ranch LBJ’s Ranch LBJ’s Ranch LBJ’s Ranch
  • or by the a~ncy which od9inated the docwnent. . (Cl Cloaed ln accordance with restriction• contained la the donor's deed of qift: GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION (7. 721 I --- \ THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM: Tom Johnson Attached
  • Johnson, W. Thomas, 1941-
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • • on these pictures, Okie; however I will need to have them produced in a Will you please reproduce the following: larger size. ROLL1379 ROLL1377 Frame 18 20 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Copies 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 ROLL1380 2 1 1 5 2 9 2 10 2 12 2 13 2 14 2 20 2 21
  • White House administration
  • Busby, Horace W.
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . George Brown: He: •~ould get in tou-ch with Mr. Pe'h:r Strauss, Assistant Administrator A. L D. £or Airlca. Re ls the man t.o talk with about private inves-t ment guarantees.• w. WWRostow:rln W. Roatow Thursd..... 1 June 15, 1967 3:45 p. m. MR
  • See all scanned items from file unit "Walt Rostow, Vol. 31, June 13-20, 1967"
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Folder, "Walt Rostow, Vol. 31, June 13-20, 1967 [2 of 2]," Memos to the President, NSF, Box 17
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • - If - q9 RESTRICTION C memo #2b memo ,r Charles Schultze to the President 2 pp t)l;,E,,.. Q: f~-Q/ t
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • LIBRARY 3 / ^3 // D E P A R T M E N T OF S T A T E W a s h in g to n , D .C . 20520 MEMORANDUM FOR MR. WALT W. ROSTOW THE WHITE HOUSE E n c l o s e d , i n r e s p o n s e t o Mr. Bromley S m i t h ' s r e q u e s t o f t h i s m o r n in g , a r e p
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)
  • . - ~· - ·----------------------~---------- ------~---- NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND RECORDS ADMINISTRATION NA FORM 1429 (6-85) WITHDRAWAL SHEET (PRESIDENTIAL LIBRARIES) FORM OF DOCUMENT DATE CORRESPONDENTS OR TITLE ~hftemc;)..__J_"'.:--t~tvmfcflee~EEcaisst Oy-S j 7/-i,i, /CJJ ..WS
  • Rostow, W. W. (Walt Whitman), 1916-2003
  • Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969)