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9 results

  • Middleton about bur film project and then around four o'clock Friday, January 10, 1969 Page 4 into the Lincoln Bedroom for a two hour sittin g with Robert Berks the sculptor, who is doing my head. I took a batch of mail in and signed i t and worked
  • with Harry Middleton about film project; Lady Bird sits for sculptor, Robert Berks; visit with Lynda Robb & Luci Nugent during sitting; dinner for Hubert Humphrey and the Cabinet; photos of ladies & LBJ with Cabinet; toasts; papers to LBJ Library
  • each o f the two c h ild re n , and one which I said I h o p ed--I thought perhaps she m ig h t lik e --to send on i MEMORANDUM THE W H I T E HOUSE WASHINGTON F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 28, 1964 Page 4 to M r s . R o s e Kennedy, I said goodbye
  • Return home from Florida; Visit to and meeting with Mrs. Kennedy about Society for the Preservation of the White House and its members; Mrs. Kennedy agrees to be public member; Fine Arts Committee; gift of four JFK minted coins; office work; John
  • and LBJ birthday; recordings project of White House entertainment with proceeds to Kennedy Center; visit with Texans at luncheon; walk in gardens with Dr. and Mrs. Morgan; visit with Luci Johnson
  • Bird describes Jack Valenti; guests for dinner at White House with meeting about campaign; Lady Bird talks with Clark Clifford about Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and recording White House entertainment
  • that those r e v e n u e s , s h ould not r e a lly be tied up in o rd in a ry upkeep , with which I thoroughly a g r e e d . So cl o se w a s h e r r e la tio n sh ip with M r s , Kennedy t h a t I doubt th a t I MEMO R ANDUM T H E W H IT E H O U S E
  • ara, Kennedy, Gronouski , Freem an, Hodges, W irtz, Celeb ree z e; I had aske d them a ll to help me be hostesses. They w ere dispersed around in several room s, and also I had asked the o ffic ers of the cl ub, M rs, L is te r H ill, the fir s t V
  • Jacqueline Kennedy & Aristotle Onassis to marry; Lady Bird visits with Lyndon Jenkins; LBJ visits with Lyndon Jenkins in Oval Office; LBJ Library meeting about "Life in the White House" exhibit; Lady Bird visits with LBJ at lunch; new portraits
  • Meeting with Madam Shoumatoff about FDR portrait; Lady Bird, Nash Castro and Mary Lasker visit award-winning beautification sites; Beautification Committee meeting; Lady Bird mentions attendees and agenda; award ceremony in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
  • " women; Lady Bird's trip to Museum of Modern Art in New York; Luci Johnson's dress for Apple Blossom Festival; Lady Bird visits Jackie Kennedy about Committee for Preservation of the White House; reception for labor newspaper editors; Lynda Johnson news