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  • Contributor > Johnson, W. Thomas, 1941- (remove)

19 results

  • ~ '. .. .. ... , ·Nrr1~ Q;~1·uc. "t ·. 1 ~... .Jv--1-~;. ....~- • . i·1 . ·J . · · ;BY~-,t·LA.R.·~LDm:i:J:C.'iQt " .>j . .\ ·: ·! · .. ~ . .... . i ;.A•. GENERAL . } . ·.·' i .... ~-1. I DISCUSSED THE KENNEDY S?EECH THIS MORNING WITH SENIOR
  • Kennedy, Edward M. (Edward Moore), 1932-2009
  • Smith Rep. W. R. Hull Rep. Bob Casey Senator Ralph Yarborough Senator Jennings Randolph Senator Harrison Williams Senator Claiborne Pell Senator Edward Kennedy Senator Alan Bible Senator Lister Hill Senator John Stennis .mno; MEMORANDUM
  • . I will be happy just to keep doing what is right and lose the election. There has been a panic in the last three weeks. It was caused by Ted Kennedy's report on corruption and the ARVN and the GVN being no good. And now a release that Westmoreland
  • unattractive they are. Senator Edward Kennedy says the Vietnamese goverrunent steals about 50% of each dollar. He is about to release a report outlining corruption in Vietnam. To what do you attribute the confession by Captain Bucher, General Wheeler? General
  • Vietnam frc es. The President: There are ..two or three dangers in this: (1) We comply with the Senator Kennedy demand. (2) We create doubt about the fact we are doubtful. (3) We were charged with handpicking. (4) It might harden public position
  • proposition • .Kennedy and McCarthy.aren't coming up with much. "Let's try so:::lething like this." Ma Bu.."'1.d.y: That's OK. RuskY Whether or not this is a step toward peace is up to Hanoi. M. Bundy: President is not about to escalate like you say
  • time to question you on them. I thought Senator Stennis handled himself very we1l yesterday. Did anyone talk with him before he went on the air? General Wheeler: General Brown talked with Senator Stennis. The President: A senator (Senator Ted Kennedy
  • Dirksen, at 72, from Chicago, can stand up and be my defender the way he has been. SECRETARY RUSK: He has a little stronger chemical than others. in his system THE PRESIDENT: Quoted parts of the James McGregor Burns book on Kennedy's quotes about
  • past meetings produced more than we expected. 3.~ Lb) l5')lt,) ,, A discussion of trade hearings followed. Secretary Rusk: There have been several assaults on. the Hill concerning the Kennedy Round. We need to see all of these proposed changes
  • prominent in the news. The President asked if anybody had heard from Senator Ted Kennedy on the refugee study. Walt Ro stow said he had not. Secretary McNamara said he saw a preliminary report from the field. Based on the questions asked, it appears
  • it not been for this policy of gradualism. SECRETARY RUSK: There may be a point to that. If back under President Kennedy we had recommended and approved putting in 100, 000 men it might have saved things. THE PRESIDENT: What is the situation on the Pueblo
  • Vietnamese statement in Paris. It says again that the United States is the aggressor. "U Thant, DeGaulle, Senator Kennedy and Fulbright say you should stop bombing." They want world opinion to sway us. The sooner we show we will do what is right, the better
  • . The President: Summarize it. Secretary Rusk: Recommend you wait to hear from Bunker. I take the long view. President Kennedy said we would make a battle there to save South Vietnam. That set us on course. After the Tonkin Gulf, you put in troops to keep South
  • with the members of Congress today. I pointed out that there had been 11 aircraft incidents under President Truman; 33 under President Eisenhower; 7 under President Kennedy; and 11 under President Johnsono I told them not to get panicky about the Pueblo situation
  • The President said he was astounded to find that there were several groups of people who were working to get Congressmen who are in agreement with our policies to make a reassessment. In this case, Senator Teddy Kennedy had approached Congressman O'Neal
  • : I saw where Senator Kennedy pointed out that the South Vietnamese voted not to call up 18 year olds. General Wheeler: I met last night with this unnamed group chaired by Nick Katzenbach and Paul Nitze. We are pressing for the South Vietnamese
  • to move in if the situation gets h ot. The President: I spent some of this morning with Senator Ted Kennedy discus sing bis trip to Vietnam and the report he plans to submit. There are tWo points he made: . 1. He is distressed about the degree
  • in a crisiso You will recall that Kennedy called up planes twice. All the reserves want to be called up. Russell and Rivers are making speeches about the fact that we should be using the reserves. You should keep in mind that the South Korean Air Force does