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  • in answering the m ail M rs, Kennedy had received af ter the P resid en t’ s assassination. L iv e ly , attractive, a newspaperman's wif e - she said you could read just so much of it, day after day, time after time until you fin ally got saturated with g r
  • Lady Bird returns to White House; Johnson family to St. Mark's Church; lunch with the Dean Rusks, Robert McNamaras and McGeorge Bundys; Vietnam; Lady Bird and LBJ to Bob Thompsons; dinner with the Valentis
  • us, and Lucy Baines an d in the car with us Bob Waldron and the H arry McPhersons. There w ere long, long lines of solemn, respectful people, all along the hill in Robert E. Lee’s home as we wound up to the gravesite. The gravesite was covered
  • LBJ & Lady Bird read newspapers; to St. Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, for Robert Kennedy funeral; the Johnsons pay respects to the Kennedy family; lunch on plane back to Washington; Lady Bird reads newspapers and takes nap; mourners killed
  • to be the trad e m ark of Lyndon and h is b o y s. A ctu a lly in cold fac t, he n eed s m any of the things that Bobby Kennedy has and r e p r e s e n ts and is able to a ttr a c t. But , as he h im s e lf sa id , we tr a v e le d d ifferen t p a th s
  • Johnsons to National City Christian Church; lunch, newspapers and Republic Convention on TV with LBJ; cocktail party at the Jack Valentis; dinner at White House with friends; news story about LBJ and the Presidency; Bobby Kennedy
  • the sum m er. MEMORANDUM THE W H ITE HOUSE Sunday, M a y 3, 1964 WASHINGTON Page 2 I think Kennedy sent back, during those three y e a rs that he did it, a good number o f in form ed, enthusiastic friend s and possibly future public servants them
  • the tram poline used to be. It is now g o n e ^ it belonged t o M r s . Kennedy^and the hole has been f ille d and lev e le d . We la y down on the ground and looked up at the blue, blue sky until we began to fe e l damp and cold, and then thought what
  • of P r e s id e n t John F i t z g e r a l d Kennedy d u r in g th e f u n e r a l ma s s . P r e c e d in g t h e i r rem o v a l t o A r lin g to n where t h e y a w a ited th e jo y o u s day o f Re s u r r e c t i o n . " Somehow th e pronouns
  • LBJ and Lady Bird attend Red Mass at St. Matthews Cathedral with Luci, and Pat Nugent; Lady Bird reflects on bronze plaque in church about President Kennedy; Johnsons go to Jack Valenti's for coffee; lunch back at the White Housie; LBJ takes a nap
  • iv in g line along w ith a l l the w ives of the Cabinet members except Mrs, Bobby Kennedy who was out of town, back - always s h e ’ s back, ever missed one, Mrs, Henry W allace was I d o n 't believe Jane Barkley was there much fla t t e r e d
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • ; late lunch; Lynda Robb arrives; Lady Birds takes a nap, swims & has her hair styled; appointments to the Arts Council & Kennedy Center; another ride with guests
  • ; LBJ to New York for Joseph P. Kennedy dinner; Lady Bird dinner and talk with Luci Johnson; business meeting with A.W. Moursund; watched play "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" in the Lincoln bedroom
  • Meeting with Madam Shoumatoff about FDR portrait; Lady Bird, Nash Castro and Mary Lasker visit award-winning beautification sites; Beautification Committee meeting; Lady Bird mentions attendees and agenda; award ceremony in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
  • Small break in sound while talking about Kennedy playground