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  • Subject > Press relations (remove)
  • Series > Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Subject > Humor and mimicry (remove)

12 results

  • to be the trad e m ark of Lyndon and h is b o y s. A ctu a lly in cold fac t, he n eed s m any of the things that Bobby Kennedy has and r e p r e s e n ts and is able to a ttr a c t. But , as he h im s e lf sa id , we tr a v e le d d ifferen t p a th s
  • Johnsons to National City Christian Church; lunch, newspapers and Republic Convention on TV with LBJ; cocktail party at the Jack Valentis; dinner at White House with friends; news story about LBJ and the Presidency; Bobby Kennedy
  • ay 9ยป 1964 P a ge 3 Then we went quickly out to M itc h e ll F ie ld on Long Island, fo r the dedication o f a John F , Kennedy Educational C iv ic and C u ltu ral Cente r . The scene was oddly ru ra l so clo se to New Y o r k C ity. fie ld , w ith
  • , and then w hen e v e r y th in g i s in p la c e in it it w i l l be turned o v e r to the F e d e r a l g o v e r n m e n t, B obby w a s e a s y , r e la x e d , but he i s an e n ig m a to m e . M r s , R o s e Kennedy w a s th e r e , a s s lim and p r e
  • Women Doers Luncheon with speaker, Jane Jacobs; funny story about Mrs. Charles Marsh; LBJ makes brief appearance; office work; Dorris Powell tells stories about Lady Bird's mother; LBJ & Lady Bird to dinner in New York honoring Jacqueline Kennedy
  • and LBJ birthday; recordings project of White House entertainment with proceeds to Kennedy Center; visit with Texans at luncheon; walk in gardens with Dr. and Mrs. Morgan; visit with Luci Johnson
  • ; visit with Luci Johnson about Christmas gift list; beautification program benefits nurseries; dinner party at Abe Fortas' home; Fortas meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy about Kennedy Center; Lady Bird swims
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • Lady Bird is interviewed by Bill Wise at Life magazine; LBJ & Lady Bird greet U.S. Attorneys; Life magazine article about Bobby Kennedy family; coffee with granddaughter of President Teddy Roosevelt; stories about Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt dinner
  • ; to hair salon; reception in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Conference on the Status of Women; Lyn Nugent's birthday party; Luci Nugent records sound from party for Pat Nugent in Vietnam; late dinner; special mass for Lyn Nugent at the White House
  • Lady Bird to Kennedy Garden to meet Multiple Sclerosis group; Victor Borge's humorous remarks; Lady Bird to lunch at Evelyn Symington's where she tells history of house & describes artwork; conversation about Beautification & Common Market; Lady
  • Office work; swearing-in ceremony for District of Columbia Council; LBJ gives off-the-cuff speech; Lady Bird has lunch & goes to hair salon; family photographs in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and the West Hall; Francis Lewine interviews Lady Bird
  • l a r l y a t th o s e f r o m a b r o a d - - a b r i e f h i s t o r y o f Cape Kennedy. And th e n c lo s e to noon s a t down on th e s k id t r e p a t C ape K ennedy w h e r e we w e r e m e t b y D r . and M r s . T h o m a s P a i n e , D r
  • Lady Bird has breakfast & hair styled; Lady Bird & Lynda Robb fly to Cape Kennedy; tours of facility, lunch and briefing by Apollo 8 astronaut; competition for space facility between Florida & Texas; award ceremony for NASA employees; Lady Bird's
  • Lady Bird works on speech; Lady Bird to hair salon; coffee for the Council on the Humanities; Lady Bird discusses the Kennedy Library with I.M. Pei; Lady Bird gives speech during Buchanan School dedication; speeches by Mayor Washington & Brooke