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  • Contributor > Senator Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Series > Senate Daily Diary (remove)
  • Time Period > Pre-Presidential (Before Nov. 22, 1963) (remove)
  • Collection > Pre-Presidential Daily Diary (remove)
  • Subject > Johnson, Lyndon B. (Lyndon Baines), 1908-1973 (remove)

63 results

  • 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12:30n 11 2:30 Space Committee meeting, 224 SOB 12 13 14 15 16 17 4:00p 4:30p 5:00p 5:30p 5:45p 6:00p Expenditure Code Bill Whitley (Sen Jordan's office), Robert Cox, Ben Swanson Sen Kennedy Ogden Reid, nominee for ambassador
  • 9:00a 9:15a t 10:00a 11:00a 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 12:15p 1:00p 3:00p 7:30p 8:00p 10:00p 12:30p 12:45p Leonard Marks in hotel suite Roy Roberts (Kansas City Star) to thank him for his treatment of LBJ in paper Press conferenc e with Pres. Truman
  • to group of Christian church Senate Johnson opened the Senate Secretary Anderson f Governor Robert Meyner, New Jersey re: nomination of Phil Foreman for federal judge left for House steps to see and hear Texas choir boys Mr. and Mrs. Murray Marshall (Dallas
  • , 1960 (include visited by)* Expenditure Code LD Arrived P-38 Senator Johnson opened the Senate Sen Kennedy's office to see Bob Woodruff To Kennedy's office to see Gov. Hodges Sen Ellender's lunch G-44 Sen Kennedy Oveta Hobby -- "wanted to see
  • Paso Date Day Monday September 12, 1960 Activity (includ e visited by) * Expenditure Code Rally in City Square front of Hotel Cortez with Sen Kennedy To Lubbock airport -- see travel activity Airport Rally in Lubbock, Texas. Cong. Paul Kilday
  • . 11:00a 5. 12:45p 6. 12:55p 7. 2:45p 8. 2:50p t 9. 3:35p 10. 3:45p 11. 5:30p Bryce Harlow, re: White House meeting at 5:30 today Sen Jackson, re: going to VFW meeting Sen Kennedy Senator Johnson opened the Senate Sen Kennedy, Smathers, Clark, Russell
  • t 4:45p 5:45p t 7:00p 7:15p t 10 11 12 Date Walter, re: trip to Ohio, etc. Tom Kennedy (United Mine Workers) Hawaiian group -- Sen Long and Fong and group of Hawaiian citizens interested in East-West Institute Senator Johnson opened the Senate
  • , 1960 visited by)* LD Expenditure Code Deer huntin g with Sen Kennedy at West Ranch lunch at LBJ Ranch: Mrs. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. West; Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chambers Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Moursund, Sen Kennedy Sen Kerr (Okla) Dinner Sen. Kennedy left
  • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Telephone f or t Mansion, Austin Date September 13, 1960 Activity (includ e visited by) * D Expenditure Code Introduced Sen Kennedy to crowd on steps of Capitol To For t Worth -- see travel activity Introduced Sen Kennedy
  • opened the Senate Abe Multer, Arthur Jacobs, Sam Zuckerman -- of Jewish Day magazine Ed Clark, Homer Thornberry, Walter Gerry Mann (Austin) -- re: Kennedy trip to Texas Lunch for Charlie Brown -- East Room, Mayflower George Moffett D. B. Hardeman -- re
  • minutes To Sen Kennedy's house at Hyannis with Mrs. Johnson by car Meetings at Kennedy's house with Sen Kennedy, Jim Rowe, and others Selected names should be underscored. SEE VERSO FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Page No. TELEPHONE CODE: f t Lo LD
  • -38 Lynda -- asking if he wanted her to come eat lunch with him John Holton Lunch in Senate dining room with Lynda Sen Kennedy, Tony Buford, Mr. Gussie Busch Sen Kennedy Gen. Carl Phinney Jim Blundell and John Connally (Fort Worth) Sen Cannon, Van
  • :30p 23. 10:00p Date. f t f To Sen Kennedy's office P-36 for telephone call to Miami, Fla to meeting of county officials Texas Delegation Horace Busby Gov elect Terry Sanford (NC), Sen Jordan Jim Rowe, re: calling Spencer Love, Burlington Industries
  • :15p 2:45p 16 17 18 19 20 3:20p 3:30p 6:45p 7:15p 8:00p 9 Telephone fo rt f f f t f L t Date Activity (includ Expenditure e visite d by) * Code LD Tom Corcoran Sen Kennedy Sen Long re: his proposed amendment to Cong Teague’s veterans pension
  • SENATOR LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The Senator began his day at (place) Entry No. Time Telephone f or t Day Saturday Sen Kennedy's house, Hyannis, Mass, Activity (include Date July 30, visited by)* Lo LD 1. 9:00a 2. 11:00a 3. 4:00p 4. 3
  • SENATOR LYNDON B. JOHNSON DAILY DIARY The Senator began his day at (place). Entry No. Time Day Tuesday 362 SOB (Sen Kennedy's office) Telephone f or t Activity (include Date. August 9, 196 0 Expenditure Code visited by)* Lo LD 1 2 3 4 5 6
  • and Maurice Templeman Cong. Dan Brewster (Md) for campaign picture Mr. and Mrs. Hall Timanus and son Timmy (Houston - elector) picture with Phil Davies (congressman - candidate 4th District of Cal.) Lunch at Skeeter's with Sen. Kennedy and Sen Jackson and some
  • Kennedy To Kennedy's office for picture for Demo dinner Sept 20 group of New Mexico people from office of OCDM -- names in guest book Bob Troutman Jack Anderson Jim Rowe Cong. Albert Thomas George Brown (Houston) Bill Munnell (California) Sen Fulbright Sen
  • from Wyoming at Skeeter's Lunch with Sen Kennedy in OSCC for North Carolina newsmen and radiomen 2:30p 4:30p 4:45p t 5:45p f 7:00p Expenditure Code State, Justice Conference in F-37 Frank Ikard Liz Carpenter, re: Mrs. J's press conference and trip
  • Kennedy (Kennedy shot 2 deer) 9:00a 9:15a 9:30a 9:45a 10:00a 10:15a 10:30a 10:45a Left for Austin Arrived Municipal Airport, Austin (met by Dolores) Driskill, Signal mail Walter and George Geo Brown 10:50 11:00a 11:15a 11:30a 11:45a T T 12:00n 12
  • (Atlanta) nap Senator Kennedy and party arrived; met by Stonewall people who presented JFK with hat; Dinner: Sen Kennedy; Ken O'Donnell; Joe Gargan; Cong. Tolbert MacDonald; Beth Fein; Bobby Baker; Mrs. J; Dorothy Nichols; MMW, Bill Moyers, Bob Waldron Cong
  • :00p 7. 7:30p Expenditure Code Arrived P-38 Senate meets (Senator Johnson opened the Senate) Gov-elect of Florida Ferris Bryant and Sen Kennedy Sen Smathers Walter, re: LBJ's ne t wort h t o give to Knight Newspapers for story on candidates finances
  • . Spiege l (Chicago ) Lunch i n P-3 8 $2.1 5 John Holto n G. Menne n William s Sec. Dillo n Wilson McCarth y fo r pictur e fo r posta l worker s Stanley Marcu s (Dallas) , askin g hi m i f h e woul d serv e o n businessmen' s committee fo r Kennedy-Johnso n
  • to recess in order to gain some delay. This was not done. As the balloting began and after a few states had been called, he remarked that Kennedy was picking up a vote or so or perhaps a half-vote as he went along. When it was certain that Senator Kennedy
  • t Kennedy' s offe r t o b e vice-presidentia l candidat e i f he offere d i t t o hi m Sen Kenned y - - as k LB J t o b e hi s running-mat e Met th e pres s outsid e hi s suit e Sen Knowlan d - - tol d LB J h e wa s th e onl y Democra t h e coul d
  • Kenned y Senator Johnso n opene d th e Senat e Sen Dirkse n Bill Whit e Lunch i n P-3 8 wit h M M $3.3 0 Sen Kennedy , Oli n Johnsto n an d Jackso n Sen Clements , Kennedy , Jackson , Bobb y Bake r Gov. Lawrenc e (invite d LB J t o addres s meetin g i n
  • Sen M C Smit h 4:30-5:30 part y i n P-3 8 fo r abou t 6 0 ladie s (and press) wh o worke d fo r LB J prio r to conventio n fo r presidentia l nominatio n $15.0 0 To Se n Kennedys ' offic e t o mee t wit h hi m an d Ji m Row e r e: schedulin g Kennedy's
  • . 12:45p 4. 1:00p t 5. 1:15p 6. 1:55p t 7. 2:00p 8. 6:00p 9. 9:00p Sen Symington meeting with Negro delegates with Sen Kennedy, Renaissance Room Speaker, Booth i n suite Tully Garner (Uvalde) Atty Gen Wilson Gov Freeman Jim Rowe, Phil Graham To make
  • LBJ Ranch August 3, 1960 (include visited by)* Expenditure Code LD Speaker (Bonham ) Tony Buford (St. Louis) Sen Kennedy (Hyannis) Sen Kerr (Okla City) Speaker (Bonham) Barbecue for county and district me n and wives and others Nap met
  • :45p t 2:55p t 3:15p t 9 10 11 12 13 5:20p 5:25p 6:15p t 7:00p picked up Mr. Thornberry at home arrived P-3 8 Walter Speaker lunch $2.4 5 with Sen Clements in P-38 George Walter Paul Kayser (El Paso) -- asked him to talk to Allan Shivers re: Kennedy
  • Construction Appropriation Committee Conference, F-37 Texas Delegation (closed) Cy Anderson and Andy Biemiller Sen Bridges Jerry Holleman Sen Dirksen Jerry Holleman, Phil Potter, Chuck Bailey, Allen Drury, Russ Bill White Sen Morse George Speaker Sen Kennedy
  • of Congress to hear State of Union Message In P-38 — Sen Kennedy and Bobby *see note on verso Lunch 1.75 The Speaker Sen Russell, Bobby, George Hugh Sidey — just to say helloand say he wanted to see the Senator later Democratic Conference, 1114 NSOB In P-38
  • 6:45p 7:00p P-38 Telephone f or t Lo f f f Day Thursday January 28, 1960 Date. Activity (include visited by)* Mary Lasker & Dave Lloyd Jack Vaughn (Dallas) Senator Johnson opened the Senate Vann Kennedy and Walter Bill Gibbons & Walter
  • (Wash, DC) Paul Kayser (El Paso ) Sen Kennedy (Hyannis, Mass) Sen. Eastlan d (Ruleville, Miss) Cong. Frank Boykin (Mobile, Ala) John Connally (Fort Worth) Bill Moyers Dave Cheavens (Austin) Paul Kayser arrived Gov Daniel (Austin) Mike Pendergast (New
  • 5. 3:45p 6. 4:15p 7. 5:00p 8. 5:45p 9. 7:00p 10. Day Monday Woody (Austin) Clarence Knetsch; Floyd Boring, Jerry Bruno, John Trainor; Joe Gargan (Sen. Kennedy's men) Mary Lasker (New York City) LBJ to cattle sale at Boerne with A. W. To San
  • ) Raymond Buck (Fort Worth) Senator Estes Kefauver (Wash, DC) Cliff Carter (Austin) Houston Harte (San Angelo) Vann Kennedy (Corpus Christi) Lunch: Ashton and MMW Brooks Hays and Dean Sayre (Austin) Scott Lucas (Wash, DC) Stormy Davis (Austin) Cliff Carter
  • k door ) Judge Jo e Fishe r Texas Delegatio n lunc h Liz Carpente r To Kennedy' s offic e Foreign Relation s committe e roo m fo r presentatio n t o Senato r Gree n Sen Jordan an d Bil l Whitle y Drew Pearso n Paul Kayse r (E l Paso ) Sen Saltonstal
  • 13. 6:00p t t t f t i 14. 6:15p f 15. 6:30p f 16. 6:45p t 30th Place, NW Date. Activity (include visited by)* LD To Capitol with Bobby and Lynda Senator Johnson opened the Senate Sen Kennedy, Bob Poage, Cong. Cooley Speaker Sec Anderson, re
  • , Texa s see lis t plu s Se n Kennedy Mrs. Pete r Lawford ; Phil Potte r Wichita Falls , Texas see passenge r lis t o f Oct 3 1 Fort Wort h * If CP give flight number; if SP give owner. ** Met by, Meetings, Activity, etc. Arrival Time 3:00p 5:00p 7
  • FOR TRAVEL ACTIVITY AND CODE Sen Kennedy and Page No. TELEPHONE CODE: f t Lo LD - Notes concerning the Senator's Activity from to Local Long Distance EXPENDITURE CODE: A C E SP - Automobile CP - Commercial Plane R - Restaurant Cab Entertainment T