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  • Contributor > Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff (remove)
  • Contributor > Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007 (remove)
  • Subject > Press relations (remove)
  • Subject > Social events (remove)

16 results

  • , I sat down to lunch downstairs, in that room where I first came to a dinner with the Kennedys in January of ’61, with Bess, and Liz, and Ashton, and Tish Baldridge, who had come down to give us about four days of her time for advice and getting us
  • Fredericka of Greece, President Segni of Italy, and Chancellor Erhardt of Germany at the LBJ Ranch; heads of state gifts; dinner with the Jack Valentis and Bill Whites; White's book on LBJ and his book on Senator Robert Taft
  • and w ife . The Ir is h have r e a lly put th eir stamp on our p o litic s ] And fro m the court - Justice and M r s , Brennan - this r e a lly was the II night fo r the Iris h m a fia , The sta ff that we had in h erited fro m the Kennedy A d m
  • and Warrie Lynn Smith at State Dinner; Kennedy family; death of Indian Prime Minister Nehru; LBJ's toast; entertainment by George C. Scott and Colleen Dewhurst
  • the children’s ward, a little engagement that Mrs. Kennedy had made some weeks ago and had asked me to keep. I took Lucy and Beth Jenkins with me, and we had baskets of toys to distribute among the children. The people were lined up out front: Dr. Schultz
  • Kennedy. I t ' s b e e n one y e a r , one m o n t h a n d two d a y s s i n c e P r e s i d e n t K e n n e d y ' s v i r g i n a p p e a l to ge t i t p a s s e d - a n d I ' d h a t e to put h o u r to h o u r a l l of the c a l l s , the t a l k s
  • Lady Bird's trip to New York for clothes fitting; lunch with Billie and Wendy; Tax Bill passed and signing ceremony; LBJ's speech and praise for Sen. Byrd; LBJ & Lady Bird to Mrs. Kennedy's house to present 4 signing pens; presentation of tray
  • and LBJ birthday; recordings project of White House entertainment with proceeds to Kennedy Center; visit with Texans at luncheon; walk in gardens with Dr. and Mrs. Morgan; visit with Luci Johnson
  • at the ranch with P re s id e n t Kennedy. tie the deer under a tree. T h o m a s v ille , in fact. We a ll but had to And Con gressm an John P ilc h e r , of G eo rg ia - He and I re m in is c e d about Aeneas A frican u s - and MEMORANDUM THE WH I T E
  • ; visit with Luci Johnson about Christmas gift list; beautification program benefits nurseries; dinner party at Abe Fortas' home; Fortas meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy about Kennedy Center; Lady Bird swims
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • ara, Kennedy, Gronouski , Freem an, Hodges, W irtz, Celeb ree z e; I had aske d them a ll to help me be hostesses. They w ere dispersed around in several room s, and also I had asked the o ffic ers of the cl ub, M rs, L is te r H ill, the fir s t V
  • Lady Bird is interviewed by Bill Wise at Life magazine; LBJ & Lady Bird greet U.S. Attorneys; Life magazine article about Bobby Kennedy family; coffee with granddaughter of President Teddy Roosevelt; stories about Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt dinner
  • ; to hair salon; reception in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Conference on the Status of Women; Lyn Nugent's birthday party; Luci Nugent records sound from party for Pat Nugent in Vietnam; late dinner; special mass for Lyn Nugent at the White House
  • of Public Service; why LBJ kept Kennedy appointees; Lady Bird gives Pat Nixon tour of family quarters; photo montage for press women; performance of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" in East Room; dinner; LBJ has a cold
  • Lady Bird to Kennedy Garden to meet Multiple Sclerosis group; Victor Borge's humorous remarks; Lady Bird to lunch at Evelyn Symington's where she tells history of house & describes artwork; conversation about Beautification & Common Market; Lady
  • Lady Bird to beauty shop and works on magazine article; LBJ gives Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Ted Clifton; Lady Bird to Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for beautification ceremony; Lady Bird looks at photos with Luci and Lynda Johnson of Lynda's
  • Lady Bird meets with Jim Webb about Cape Kennedy trip; Lady Bird has coffee with evening guests; Lady Bird works on upcoming speeches; Lady Bird to hair salon and visit with Lynda & Lucinda Robb; National Council on the Arts party; Lady Bird
  • Lady Bird works on speech; Lady Bird to hair salon; coffee for the Council on the Humanities; Lady Bird discusses the Kennedy Library with I.M. Pei; Lady Bird gives speech during Buchanan School dedication; speeches by Mayor Washington & Brooke