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  • Time Period > Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-) (remove)
  • Series > Transcripts of Oral Histories Given to the Lyndon B. Johnson Library (remove)
  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)

17 results

  • : Robert Dallek PLACE: New York City, New York Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 B: What are you doing with this [material]? D: I am working on volume two of my Johnson biography. Volume one, Lone Star Rising, came out-- B: Yes, I remember. I haven't read
  • Robert Dallek's work on LBJ biographies; LBJ's personality; comparing JFK's and LBJ's knowledge of foreign affairs; LBJ's relationships with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and JFK during his vice presidency
  • Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview S-I, 3/30/1993, by Robert Dallek
  • any better there by 1963. Kennedy thought our election was in danger. I knew it was. - - - - · - ~ - - - - - - ·--·-·--· ----- LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories
  • said, "Great, it's a deal." If I had said yes, he might have said, "I'm delighted to know that; I want to think about it." I don't wish to exaggerate. But the fact is he did say that. D: What about the relationship to Robert Kennedy? What about
  • See all online interviews with Robert S. McNamara
  • McNamara, Robert Strange, 1916-2009
  • Oral history transcript, Robert S. McNamara, interview S-1 (I), 3/26/1993, by Robert Dallek
  • Robert S. McNamara
  • 15, 1986 INTERVIEWEE: EDWARD CLARK INTERVIEWER: Robert Dallek PLACE: Mr. Clark's office, Austin, Texas Tape 1 of 1, Side 1 D: First off, do you remember your first meeting with Lyndon Johnson? I know we're talking about fifty years ago
  • Estes; how Clark ranked LBJ and JFK as presidents; LBJ's relationship with Robert Kennedy.
  • Oral history transcript, Edward Clark, interview S-I, 12/15/1986, by Robert Dallek
  • that; that Ed Guthman book [Robert Kennedy in His Own Words]. B: Yes. It has him saying in 1964 that he believes in the domino theory; JFK believed in it; we all believed in it. That isn't quite true; we didn't all believe in it. But most of us did, and he did
  • Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview S-II, 11/10/1993, by Robert Dallek
  • not believe, by the way, that he ever left office because of political pressures from Robert Kennedy or anybody else. He told me months before, oh, I would think at least a year before he had to run again, he said, "You know, my family are not long-livers
  • INTERVIEWEE: ROBERT McNAMARA INTERVIEWER: Walt W. Rostow PLACE: Washington, D.C. M: Walt, I would like to start this discussion by recording my skepticism of the value of oral history and my reluctance to participate in it. To be candid, I should tell
  • See all online interviews with Robert S. McNamara
  • McNamara, Robert Strange, 1916-2009
  • Oral history transcript, Robert S. McNamara, interview 1 (I), 1/8/1975, by Elspeth D. Rostow
  • Robert S. McNamara
  • INTERVIEWEE: DATE: Robert Fleming, Deputy Press Secretary for LBJ November 8, 1979 PLACE: Washington, D.C. SUBJECT: Fleming's Knowledge of Daily Summaries of the Network \ Television Coverage: During the Period of TET, 1968 INTERVIEWER: David Culbert
  • See all online interviews with Robert Fleming
  • Fleming, Robert H.
  • Oral history transcript, Robert Fleming, interview S-I, 11/8/1979, by David Culbert
  • Robert Fleming
  • -access admission to the public papers, many of which are very private papers, of the people involved in governing in high places in Congress, as well as the White House? LC: I think he had people on his staff, like Juanita Roberts, who were goading him
  • , and I was a speech writer and there wasn't anything much lower than a speech writer. (Laughter) But I have come on to much more exalted planes. Now, in this library there are some forty some million papers and they are very--I think Mr. [Robert "Bob
  • . But that executive order was never implemented, and it lay on also on John Kennedy's desk without being implemented. T: Well, that was not ever seen in any way as being competitive with passing something through Congress. B: Right. I think it was seen
  • staff who supported the arts; Roger Stevens and the Kennedy Center; the idea of all states receiving equal funding; Hubert Humphrey's remarks at the signing ceremony for the arts legislation.
  • real recommen­ dation of the Administration was really when President Eisenhower told Presidc:nt Kennedy he felt the first action we would have to take would be in that area -- Laos, and Viet-Nam -- and that he would have taken it ex.ct!pt th,":lt he
  • (from the staff) • · There was also ready access to prepare memos for his "night reading ". · We didn't want to abuse it, but it was there. He \>JOuld read it and respond . 7. Did you have occasio n to work with holdove r members of the Kennedy staff