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  • Specific Item Type > Speech (remove)
  • Subject > Lady Bird Johnson speeches and statements (remove)
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11 results

  • been among my husband's respected and trusted advisors. Three years ago this month our g reat President Kennedy acc epted from the city of Fort Smith the deed to this historic ground. I feel certain that he would have considered it a privilege, as I do
  • ~ry aec tion, men like 'l'heodore Roos evelt, men l ike Frank:U.. n Roosevelt, men like John F. Kennedy , men like Robert S. Kerr, men like Mike Monroney and your House Delegation, all be~n to act and to protect and to develpp the natural resources
  • for increased assistance for higher education and most specifically for a m u ch broadened educational vocational program. 1 am sure 1 do not have to tell you -- who sit here watching launchings at Cape Kennedy - - how tremendous our scientific achievements have
  • billiantly than President and Mrs . Kennedy. Within this year the first ~pade of dirt was turned for a great cultural center for all our nation. Within this month the Congress passed the bill to provide a National Arts and Humanities Founda­ tion so
  • Remarks of Mrs . Lyndon B. Johnson at a tea for members of the Fine Arts, Painting and Advis ory Committees on the Restoration of the White House, May 7, 1964 Friends : Welc om e to this house to which, under the inspira tion of Mrs . Kennedy, you
  • at stake in America this November. 1 belicve that issue is simply this: Will America, ha.ving forged so far ahead under President Kennedy and Preside nt Johnson, toward a more just and compassionate society, now turn back? Will we lQJeheart becaus e
  • are, to use the title of a book by President Kennedy, "a nation of immigrants." But what we often fail t ‫ ס‬realize is how quickly new Americans and their families make their contribution t o a better America. We have with us today, for example, a number
  • Young said, "Suppose there was a union of effort in every political and financial matter, undertaken for the benefit of the whole people? Who cannot see the good that would result? 11 It was this same union of effort that our late President Kennedy spoke
  • will be decided at the polls in November ? 1 believe it is this: Will America, having forged so far ahead under President Kennedy and President Johns on toward a more just and compassion­ ate society, now turn back? Will we continue on the upwa rd, hopeful road
  • Kennedy, when he created the Commission on the Status of Women, envisioned our participating as full partners. Because of t his President's determination women will no longer be the forgotten sex in labor, in business or in Government. And, I know you
  • to do anything except get along together. One day we might hope that the conference table in Birmingham or Geneva will be as successful as the assembly line in Huntsville and the launching pad at Cape Kennedy. The second problem is closely