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  • Specific Item Type > Personal diary (remove)
  • Series > Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)

89 results

  • ; visit with Luci Johnson about Christmas gift list; beautification program benefits nurseries; dinner party at Abe Fortas' home; Fortas meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy about Kennedy Center; Lady Bird swims
  • iv in g line along w ith a l l the w ives of the Cabinet members except Mrs, Bobby Kennedy who was out of town, back - always s h e ’ s back, ever missed one, Mrs, Henry W allace was I d o n 't believe Jane Barkley was there much fla t t e r e d
  • a chance to thank him clvi1"' again. And the _illustrious architect, ~h Pei -- a quiet, gentle man • . I asked him how the Kennedy Library was coming. He told me that they . I -~· ............;. ~;.," . __...:._,:____.::_,;,_,,_,_,.._,,,,_.,,;d
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • on M ay 7th,^when she com es to the m e e tin g s of M r s . Kennedy's co m m ittee on A r t . And then the C r a w fo rd Greenwalts fro m the E. I. duPont d eN em ours and Company; our old friend s the F r e d e r ic k Kappels, o f A m e r ic a n Tel
  • s e m a n f r o m the C a n a l Zone^^and I n e v e r see h e r without thinking ^ . o f the vote in 1960^^in L o s A n g e le s , when Kennedy had w on o v e r w h e lm in g , and still, at the v e r y end, the C a n a l Zone s till voted fo r
  • that those r e v e n u e s , s h ould not r e a lly be tied up in o rd in a ry upkeep , with which I thoroughly a g r e e d . So cl o se w a s h e r r e la tio n sh ip with M r s , Kennedy t h a t I doubt th a t I MEMO R ANDUM T H E W H IT E H O U S E
  • ara, Kennedy, Gronouski , Freem an, Hodges, W irtz, Celeb ree z e; I had aske d them a ll to help me be hostesses. They w ere dispersed around in several room s, and also I had asked the o ffic ers of the cl ub, M rs, L is te r H ill, the fir s t V
  • Lady Bird cleans out clothes closet; Lady Bird drives with friends through Virginia countryside; dinner with friends at White House; walk on White House grounds; Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Movies - "Mr. President" and "The Unsinkable Molly Brown
  • Proclamation 3629 - John F. Kennedy, A Rededication issued by LBJ; LBJ & Lady Bird to Austin for party at the Frank Erwins; to LBJ Ranch; Lady Bird mentions LBJ conserving his energy
  • L i b r a r y a nd t h e E i s e n h o w e r L i b r a r y and t h e Kennedy L i b r a r y i f t h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e to t h e p u b l i c , ' ^ D u r i n g t h e m o r n i n g we h a d some s e r i o u s d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • ; late lunch; Lynda Robb arrives; Lady Birds takes a nap, swims & has her hair styled; appointments to the Arts Council & Kennedy Center; another ride with guests
  • of the fu tu re , " When it w as o v e r we went in to take off our r o b e s , and I saw John and N e llie , and with the f i r s t tim e Joh n u sin g h is rig h t handr'^t^ shake h an d s s ince the a s s a s s in a t i o n of P r e s id e n t Kennedy. We
  • LBJ to California; Lady Bird's television taping for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation; visits by family friends; shopping; dinner with Luci Johnson, Dr. Jim Cain & Jack Valenti; to Olney Theatre for play; airplane crash of Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • Lady Bird is interviewed by Bill Wise at Life magazine; LBJ & Lady Bird greet U.S. Attorneys; Life magazine article about Bobby Kennedy family; coffee with granddaughter of President Teddy Roosevelt; stories about Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt dinner
  • Tours arranged for the Bobby Russells; Lady Bird to luncheon on Capitol Hill in her honor; Lady Bird sees P-38, LBJ's Senate office, and John Kennedy's office across the hall; meeting with Howard Smith and Bob Fleming about ABC show on Mrs. Johnson
  • Meeting on Arts project; Executive Order establishing Society for Preservation of the White House and permanent curator; possible members of Society; Jacqueline Kennedy; Fine Arts Committee and the Painting Committee; swim and trip to Mr. Per's
  • ; LBJ to New York for Joseph P. Kennedy dinner; Lady Bird dinner and talk with Luci Johnson; business meeting with A.W. Moursund; watched play "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" in the Lincoln bedroom
  • , appointed by M r s . Kennedy, and that she had sent them a check, b u t that she didn't know quite what use it had been put to. Th ey both showed m e a way you could f e e l under the seat 0-'' of a Hepple- white chair and find a certa in cu rved re in fo rc
  • of red f i r e , I t lasted m o r e than two minutes, and actually it seem ed an eternity. Th is Saturn I w il l be used to send an unmanned A p o llo space c r a ft into orbit, in fact, one's on the pad down at Cape Kennedy n o w fo r launching la te r
  • ggestions. i n the F irst, Red Room the mantl e p i e c e n e e d e d a c o u p l e of Mrs. Kennedy had t a k e n the obelisks t h a t w b e l o n g e d t o h e r when she le f t and he s a i d why d o n ' t you go down t o 'I vermeil room and f i n d
  • iv es o r s o m e t h i n g -V ig n e tte s o f th e d a y - - o n ly o n e w o m a n in th e r e c e iv in g lin e c a l l e d m e M r s . Kennedy. T h a t u s e d to h a p p e n q u ite f r e q u e n tly , b u t no t in th e l a s t y e a r o r tw o
  • Lady Bird sleeps late, goes to Spanish lesson and to hair salon; tea for Friends of the Kennedy Center; Lady Bird mentions guests; receiving line; Lady Bird to Nicaraguan Embassy for tea for diplomatic wives in Lady Bird's honor; drive back to White
  • ; to hair salon; reception in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Conference on the Status of Women; Lyn Nugent's birthday party; Luci Nugent records sound from party for Pat Nugent in Vietnam; late dinner; special mass for Lyn Nugent at the White House
  • Jacqueline Kennedy & Aristotle Onassis to marry; Lady Bird visits with Lyndon Jenkins; LBJ visits with Lyndon Jenkins in Oval Office; LBJ Library meeting about "Life in the White House" exhibit; Lady Bird visits with LBJ at lunch; new portraits
  • Lady Bird to hair salon; Lady Bird to Columbia Island for daffodil plantings; back to White House for photos in the Rose Garden & Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Lady Bird & Lynda Johnson to lunch at the Jockey Club; office work; Lady Bird records diary
  • Meeting with Madam Shoumatoff about FDR portrait; Lady Bird, Nash Castro and Mary Lasker visit award-winning beautification sites; Beautification Committee meeting; Lady Bird mentions attendees and agenda; award ceremony in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
  • dinner for Prime Minister Harold Holt; Lady Bird has lunch and nap; work on wedding in Jacqueline Kennedy garden; meeting on beautification; article by Barnaby Keeney; office work; bowling; Luci Johnson upset over release of wedding dress design
  • on beautification; house guests; Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird that appears at auction; State Dinner for President Park; Lady Bird mentions several guests; LBJ leaves party to work until 4:30 a.m.
  • Presentations in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden to companies who donated landscaping at schools in Washington; Lady Bird fills in for LBJ to greet group from North Carolina; Committee for a More Beautiful Capital meets on the SEQUOIA; tour of Washington
  • Small break in sound while talking about Kennedy playground
  • a n ' t h e l p b e l i e v i n g h e l i k e s L y n d o n , to o, t h o u g h c o m p l e t e l y w ithout th a t m o t h - t o - t h e - f l a m e a ttitu d e th a t so m a n y in te lle c t u a ls had f o r P r e s i d e n t Kennedy. B e c a u s e
  • k a w a r d o f the W o m e n 's N a tion a l P r e s s Club. D inner, a speech by Lyndon, a p r e s e n ta tio n o f the a w a r d . B ut in the custom so u s e fu lly set by P r e s id e n t Kennedy had supper at hom e f i r s t , ^a nnd d w en
  • of Public Service; why LBJ kept Kennedy appointees; Lady Bird gives Pat Nixon tour of family quarters; photo montage for press women; performance of "You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown" in East Room; dinner; LBJ has a cold
  • Lady Bird to Kennedy Garden to meet Multiple Sclerosis group; Victor Borge's humorous remarks; Lady Bird to lunch at Evelyn Symington's where she tells history of house & describes artwork; conversation about Beautification & Common Market; Lady
  • a s w e e t l e t t e r I h a d had fro m M rs . Kennedy about P a t r i c k Lyndon's b irth . f r i e n d a n d I t h i n k a d v i s e r of h e r s . He i s a g r e a t We t a l k e d of b o o k s . He w a k e s up a b o u t 4 :0 0 i n the m o r
  • Office work; swearing-in ceremony for District of Columbia Council; LBJ gives off-the-cuff speech; Lady Bird has lunch & goes to hair salon; family photographs in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and the West Hall; Francis Lewine interviews Lady Bird
  • Lady Bird sleeps late; Lady Bird mentions her houseguests; Lady Bird works on clothing for New York trip; Lady Bird lunches with LBJ and staff members; President Kennedy's appointment of Averell Harriman at State Department; Lady Bird has tea
  • Lady Bird to beauty shop and works on magazine article; LBJ gives Distinguished Service Medal to Gen. Ted Clifton; Lady Bird to Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for beautification ceremony; Lady Bird looks at photos with Luci and Lynda Johnson of Lynda's
  • Lady Bird visits with volunteers working on Mrs. Kennedy's mail in the EOB, WH telephone operators, and WHCF; meeting with Walter Jenkins and J.B. West about household matters; lunch with Lynda Johnson; article about spelling of Luci Johnson's name