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  • Subject > Vietnam (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)
  • Subject > Rayburn, Sam, 1882-1961 (remove)

11 results

  • or fifteen [were] in there. Then Kennedy came down to the room. LBJ Presidential Library ORAL HISTORY TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] B: Robert? E: No, Jack Kennedy. More on LBJ Library
  • delinquency. this. Youth. They had about four cities where they tried One of them was New York, where they set up Mobilization for Another one was Syracuse. New Haven, I think, Baltimore. I can't remember precisely--- I'm not sure. Robert Kennedy had
  • ; Medicare; Helen Taussig; Advisory Council on Public Welfare Task Force on Income Maintenance (Heineman Commission); Advisory Commission on Status of Women; Esther Peterson; LBJ fixed associations between Wicky/Cohen/Social Security; Medicare; Mrs. Kennedy
  • was supported by every And in 1959 I was John Kennedy's chairman in [Oregon]. K: I did want to ask about that because-- G: He was the author of a highly controversial labor bill. There were five of us who were swing votes on the Education and Labor
  • Carolina during his campaign for the PreSidency after he succeeded President Kennedy. Now I had been in his company a number of times with the North Carolina delegation, I think. We had conferred with him in con- nection with some matters affecting
  • and 1960, when names of Democratic President candidates were mentioned, that Mr. Johnson's name was always conspicuous. M: What was your assessment of the 1960 election, since it was such a close race between John Kennedy and Richard Nixon? A: Of course
  • ; contact with LBJ and White House staff; Vietnam; Johnson Administration legislative briefings; the Pueblo incident; reflections on LBJ in various situations; comparison and evaluation of the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations
  • TRANSCRIPT Lyndon B. Johnson Library Oral Histories [NAID 24617781] More on LBJ Library oral histories: 5 in 1959. We began to make a serious attack on it in 1961. We had a little gold crisis as Jack Kennedy
  • Biographical information; House Banking and Currency Commission; Sam Rayburn; Inter-American Bank; International Development Association; Hoover Commission; campaigns for Congress; Kennedy appointment to the Treasury; Chairman of the FDIC; May 1965
  • : On any particular issue? B: Yes. I was defeated-- It's a tough thing to say, but the truth of the matter is that it was race. I ran twenty to thirty thousand votes ahead of President Kennedy in the election, but that still was not enough. fifty
  • Biographical information; House Banking and Currency Commission; Sam Rayburn; Inter-American Bank; International Development Association; Hoover Commission; campaigns for Congress; Kennedy appointment to the Treasury; Chairman of the FDIC; May 1965
  • is sue on its own ITlerits? R: On the merits. The same way when Lyndon Johnson was President he adopted the Kennedy platform of 1960 and went beyond it; and he sent up some rather extreme public housing and urban renewal proposals to our Banking
  • relations in South Africa; meeting LBJ for the first time; Sam Rayburn; Democratic National Conventions of 1956, 1960, and 1964; political social gatherings; visits to the Ranch; working with Mrs. Kennedy on the Fine Arts Committee; White House furnishings
  • times he'd express his dissatisfaction with the ineptitudes of the people that Kennedy had on the Hill and Bobby's continual sniping at him . Can you give me an example of this sniping? An occasion where, let's say, Bobby Kennedy-­ B: We'd get
  • took a vice presidential position in 1960? H: Well, r really wasn't surprised because I felt that Jack Kennedy was a pretty smart politician, and he wanted LBJ over the willing candidates for a very particular reason. That was because LBJ