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  • Specific Item Type > Oral history (remove)
  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Tag > Digital item (remove)
  • Date > 1968-11-26 (remove)

4 results

  • against Johnson . We had that real bitter battle with Alan Shivers in 1956 when he took over the machinery, but from then on it has always been who's for Johnson . '60 we were voting for Johnson . Now Kennedy had a great deal of appeal to the Latins
  • got that news on a very sad day, as you know. It was the day Robert Kennedy was to be buried here in Washington, and we had planned a brief memorial ceremony here at the department. The funeral cortege was to stop outside the department
  • , although I had taught swimming, I didn't know how to swim myself. And this was about the time the Bobby Kennedy parties were having everybody tossed in the pool. So Tom Boggs said that he was going to toss me in the pool and watch me drown in front
  • the President can have a very substantial influence on the program of an agency like this one. M· How does the impact that Mr. Johnson has compare to that of President Kennedy before him? G: Well, I would say there were no marked differences between them