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  • from the North Vietnamese who even refuse to acknowledge there are any North Vietnamese troops in South Vietnam. The Hanoi representatives are prepared to stay in Paris and even read the telephone directory if necessary to keep nonproductive talks go
  • but we were prepared to review with the Panamanians all problems. He characterize!i the declaration as containing nothing offensive to either side and as stating the same position he had taken during his first telephone conversation with President Chiari
  • . It did not even include a confusion ploy. Hanoi has done nothing. In all conversations -- and we have a telephone on every line - - the other party has merely hung up. We now n eed to make a report to the UN Security Council and consider whether
  • up these point s. In response, Secreta r y McNamara said that Mr . Henkin in his office was watching the tickers constantly and telephoning about every wrong statement made by a Congressman. Secretary Rusk said that on the whole his appearance before