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  • Series > Embargoed - Office of Investigations (remove)
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  • Contributor > Federal Bureau of Investigation (remove)

13 results

  • , Birmingham, . Alabama (RM) Report of: Dates SA CLARENCE E. WR:n:Glrll' 10/24/67 Fleld Office FIie I: 105-560 TJtlc1 ROBERT MARVIN SHELTON Chaiadera RACIAL MATTERS ( KLAN) Synopsis: Office, BIRMINGHA'M Bureau FIie la 157-552 ROBERT. MARVIN
  • Folder, "Shelton, Robert Marvin," Records of the NACCD (Kerner Commission), Embargoed Series, Box 11
  • would shoot the Governor. In addition, other targets for assassination would be the Vice President, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Senators Jacob J avits and Robert Kennedy and others. • • • • • 21 "B'', a bookkeeper, was born in 1912
  • at the university. Another source of this Bureau who has furnished reliable information in the past advised that Robert Brown, Acting Chairman of the Chicago Branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, may participate in the proposed activities
  • they can run out. He does not know of any tips ·coming from 11 Minutemen sources. December 13, 1967 M&'10RANDUM TO: From: Robert H. Haynes Spe_ci~l Agen.t · . FBI Liai~on s ·e ction · M. c. Miskovsky . Director of Inve_s tigations ·Subject
  • : 105-138833 Bureau File BLACK LIBERATIONFRONT 'I/.: Title: INTERNAL SECUJ{I'l1Y-MISCELLANEOUS Character: Interview with individuals listed. in address ROBERT COLLIER set forth. No information available reflecting the existen.:e of the Blaclt
  • on Robert Marvin Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the UKA, reflect a shift in emphasis in recent months -- perhaps inspired by the HCUA investigation of klan activities and Shelton's indictment in the UoS. District Court, Washington, Doc., in March 19660 At any
  • been advised. MILITANTOFFICEROF STUDENTNONVIOLENT COORDINATING C011MITTEE SPEAKSIN CHICAGO,ILLINOIS Robert Brown, a 19-year-old Negro, Acting Director of the Chicago, Illinois, Branch of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, a militant black
  • R. F'IELDSj who st}ll. ted to the m.eeting 9 :axM.Ht.g other things~ th~.. t :a l .1 NS~P m~mbers and white people shnuld keep their guns in order to protect themselves . On October 31; lf167'J Capt.aim ROBERT RAM.SEY» Vice Squad~ IH.llsborougb
  • ), as checked by IC JACK F..AY RID:F;NHOUR, were negative w;tth respec.t to an arrest of VIDNJEVICH since _las-t reported.· Concerning the arrest of VIDNJEVICH, October 31, 1966, at Kennedy High ·School, previo~ly :t"epqrted, records of the Chicago Police
  • the Newark Police Department offer of pro~~ction. ... _ ...... ___... _. ... _. _. . . _.. . attached . . Registration and meals'"were ·served 'at tiie Re~tor House while workshops were·held at the Robert Treat Hotel. The large plenum meetings were held
  • . JESSE GRAYand the ReTerend ROBERT KINLOCH,Negro Baptist Minister, were also there with them. GRAYand·the ReTerend KINLOCHcalled off the demonstration in NI 100-91911 tront ot the Criminal Courthouse, 100 Centre Street !iew York Cit7, in support ot
  • of U.S. powe1· · ·,~t; 'j/ ~ ,('; . ·) ;- wasted in pro• serves the cause of peace. He ls tracted war, obviously wrong. He and Pres• ·.: . ._.,_~,t"~/'~.. :.~:2-t_i.:, taro. '1,ha. t was ldcnt Kennedy . have -exercised ·. .,:'.'."~~.. ~~~~ r$- tho ch o I