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  • Collection > Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary (remove)
  • Subject > Lady Bird Johnson personal (remove)
  • Series > Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary (remove)

58 results

  • , I sat down to lunch downstairs, in that room where I first came to a dinner with the Kennedys in January of ’61, with Bess, and Liz, and Ashton, and Tish Baldridge, who had come down to give us about four days of her time for advice and getting us
  • Fredericka of Greece, President Segni of Italy, and Chancellor Erhardt of Germany at the LBJ Ranch; heads of state gifts; dinner with the Jack Valentis and Bill Whites; White's book on LBJ and his book on Senator Robert Taft
  • us, and Lucy Baines an d in the car with us Bob Waldron and the H arry McPhersons. There w ere long, long lines of solemn, respectful people, all along the hill in Robert E. Lee’s home as we wound up to the gravesite. The gravesite was covered
  • Middleton about bur film project and then around four o'clock Friday, January 10, 1969 Page 4 into the Lincoln Bedroom for a two hour sittin g with Robert Berks the sculptor, who is doing my head. I took a batch of mail in and signed i t and worked
  • with Harry Middleton about film project; Lady Bird sits for sculptor, Robert Berks; visit with Lynda Robb & Luci Nugent during sitting; dinner for Hubert Humphrey and the Cabinet; photos of ladies & LBJ with Cabinet; toasts; papers to LBJ Library
  • Kennedy walked into his office, the first time after John Kennedy 1 s death. It was Lyndon that suggested that we see Guess Who's Corning to Dinner, and we all went out to the hangar which is completed now, for showing movies, . and very nice, except
  • ; Lady Bird meets LBJ at hangar; park meeting continues at the LBJ Birthplace; to LBJ Ranch house; Johnsons, Lynda & Chuck Robb and the Krims drive the Lewis place; Robert Kennedy announces run for President; "Guess Who's Coming for Dinner?" movie shown
  • Office work; recording in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Hudson Valley trip; Lady Bird with Lynda Robb to doctor's office; lunch with Lynda; Chuck Robb & Patrick Nugent in Vietnam; meeting about Beautification stamps; office work; Lady Bird works
  • it to start looking like the Johnsons lived here. I put out a picture of President and Mrs. Kennedy--no, I believe it’s just the President--and Caroline, and the pony, the little pony that Lyndon gave them. And then I put out a picture of Daddy with Tommy
  • the inventory and sale of the Elms; evening social gathering of Johnson and Kennedy staffs; Ted Sorensen; Abe Fortas' interest in art and music; Jacqueline Kennedy's work; [Nancy] Salinger; LBJ's tour of the White House; civil rights legislation
  • , Ann Chapman, Wendy Marcus, Jo Sherfy – a lot of good old friends putting their shoulders to the wheel. Mary Ellen Monroney and I went out to look for some chintzes for the windows for the two rooms that will be left vacated when the two Kennedy
  • Friends and volunteers help in White House living quarters; Lady Bird meets with Clark Clifford and others about the White House Fine Arts Committee; preservation of the White House and the Capitol; Jacqueline Kennedy's recommendation to discontinue
  • for an attack on Lebanon, and I pray that any crisis w ill hold o ff another twenty days. And for the country, an interesting headline. Senator Teddy Kennedy w ill fight Russell Long for the job of Senate whip. Lyndon is not waiting for the New Year. Ever
  • New Year's Eve; renewed fighting in the Near East; Senator Ted Kennedy will fight Russell Long for Senate Whip position; LBJ is swimming every day & walking with Lady Bird; coffee at Rev. Truesdale's; Johnsons meet new Treasury Secretary at airport
  • the children’s ward, a little engagement that Mrs. Kennedy had made some weeks ago and had asked me to keep. I took Lucy and Beth Jenkins with me, and we had baskets of toys to distribute among the children. The people were lined up out front: Dr. Schultz
  • would not be a candidate for re -e le c tio n . desk is a bleak business. Emptying a I thought about how the house had looked when I had v is ite d Mrs. Kennedy five years and two months ago. could be gripped by the sadness then. Today I cannot. I
  • Tour of White House gardens with Mrs. Paul Mellon; plan to create a Jacqueline Kennedy garden; personal time swimming with friends and family; approval for Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; telephone call to Jacqueline Kennedy
  • the sum m er. MEMORANDUM THE W H ITE HOUSE Sunday, M a y 3, 1964 WASHINGTON Page 2 I think Kennedy sent back, during those three y e a rs that he did it, a good number o f in form ed, enthusiastic friend s and possibly future public servants them
  • the tram poline used to be. It is now g o n e ^ it belonged t o M r s . Kennedy^and the hole has been f ille d and lev e le d . We la y down on the ground and looked up at the blue, blue sky until we began to fe e l damp and cold, and then thought what
  • Lady Bird's clothing and shopping for shoes; call to Jacqueline Kennedy, who has a little girl with chicken pox; call to Nellie Connally and Lady Bird's concern for politics in Texas; call to Mary Lasker about art; dinner with A.W. Moursund, Babe
  • Kennedy. I t ' s b e e n one y e a r , one m o n t h a n d two d a y s s i n c e P r e s i d e n t K e n n e d y ' s v i r g i n a p p e a l to ge t i t p a s s e d - a n d I ' d h a t e to put h o u r to h o u r a l l of the c a l l s , the t a l k s
  • Lady Bird's trip to New York for clothes fitting; lunch with Billie and Wendy; Tax Bill passed and signing ceremony; LBJ's speech and praise for Sen. Byrd; LBJ & Lady Bird to Mrs. Kennedy's house to present 4 signing pens; presentation of tray
  • of P r e s id e n t John F i t z g e r a l d Kennedy d u r in g th e f u n e r a l ma s s . P r e c e d in g t h e i r rem o v a l t o A r lin g to n where t h e y a w a ited th e jo y o u s day o f Re s u r r e c t i o n . " Somehow th e pronouns
  • LBJ and Lady Bird attend Red Mass at St. Matthews Cathedral with Luci, and Pat Nugent; Lady Bird reflects on bronze plaque in church about President Kennedy; Johnsons go to Jack Valenti's for coffee; lunch back at the White Housie; LBJ takes a nap
  • Senator Edward Kennedy's plane crash; Lady Bird calls Rose Kennedy, Birch Bayhs and Mrs. Edward Kennedy; telephone conversation with Lynda Johnson about security problem on her flight; office work; Lady Bird reads; walk around White House
  • each o f the two c h ild re n , and one which I said I h o p ed--I thought perhaps she m ig h t lik e --to send on i MEMORANDUM THE W H I T E HOUSE WASHINGTON F r id a y , F e b r u a r y 28, 1964 Page 4 to M r s . R o s e Kennedy, I said goodbye
  • Return home from Florida; Visit to and meeting with Mrs. Kennedy about Society for the Preservation of the White House and its members; Mrs. Kennedy agrees to be public member; Fine Arts Committee; gift of four JFK minted coins; office work; John
  • MEMORANDUM C THE W H ITE HOUSE W A S H I N G T ON Page 1 Thursday* M ay 28, 1964 What a busy day. It began a little a fte r 11, by going to A r lington C e m e te ry to la y a w reath on the g ra ve o f P re s id e n t Kennedy, because to m o
  • that thi~ wa~ the sa.nie group last y~ar that had so :;\\'J.n1pctl Prc:sitlcnt ___ .,,,, '--·­ 1964 Monday, July 20th (c1 •. tinued) Kennedy that he had lost a tie clasp and a shoe, so it was reported, and had been kissed, mauled and clutched
  • Bird describes Jack Valenti; guests for dinner at White House with meeting about campaign; Lady Bird talks with Clark Clifford about Jacqueline Kennedy Garden and recording White House entertainment
  • ; visit with Luci Johnson about Christmas gift list; beautification program benefits nurseries; dinner party at Abe Fortas' home; Fortas meeting with Jacqueline Kennedy about Kennedy Center; Lady Bird swims
  • a chance to thank him clvi1"' again. And the _illustrious architect, ~h Pei -- a quiet, gentle man • . I asked him how the Kennedy Library was coming. He told me that they . I -~· ............;. ~;.," . __...:._,:____.::_,;,_,,_,_,.._,,,,_.,,;d
  • Shooting in Dominican Republic; auction of Jacqueline Kennedy letter to Lady Bird; luncheon of 81st Club members; gift of charm by members to Lady Bird; ABC filming at Treasury Department; story by film producer about Pope John; LBJ meets
  • Lady Bird cleans out clothes closet; Lady Bird drives with friends through Virginia countryside; dinner with friends at White House; walk on White House grounds; Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Movies - "Mr. President" and "The Unsinkable Molly Brown
  • L i b r a r y a nd t h e E i s e n h o w e r L i b r a r y and t h e Kennedy L i b r a r y i f t h e y a r e a v a i l a b l e to t h e p u b l i c , ' ^ D u r i n g t h e m o r n i n g we h a d some s e r i o u s d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t
  • Johnsons attend Christian Church; LBJ gives kisses to small girl, Kimberly Frye; lunch at White House with the McNamaras; Jacqueline Kennedy; bowling with Lynda; dinner with the Bill Whites and the Jack Brooks; Jake Pickle, Clark Clifford
  • ; late lunch; Lynda Robb arrives; Lady Birds takes a nap, swims & has her hair styled; appointments to the Arts Council & Kennedy Center; another ride with guests
  • of the fu tu re , " When it w as o v e r we went in to take off our r o b e s , and I saw John and N e llie , and with the f i r s t tim e Joh n u sin g h is rig h t handr'^t^ shake h an d s s ince the a s s a s s in a t i o n of P r e s id e n t Kennedy. We
  • LBJ to California; Lady Bird's television taping for Eleanor Roosevelt Memorial Foundation; visits by family friends; shopping; dinner with Luci Johnson, Dr. Jim Cain & Jack Valenti; to Olney Theatre for play; airplane crash of Sen. Edward Kennedy
  • Lady Bird is interviewed by Bill Wise at Life magazine; LBJ & Lady Bird greet U.S. Attorneys; Life magazine article about Bobby Kennedy family; coffee with granddaughter of President Teddy Roosevelt; stories about Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt dinner
  • Meeting on Arts project; Executive Order establishing Society for Preservation of the White House and permanent curator; possible members of Society; Jacqueline Kennedy; Fine Arts Committee and the Painting Committee; swim and trip to Mr. Per's
  • , appointed by M r s . Kennedy, and that she had sent them a check, b u t that she didn't know quite what use it had been put to. Th ey both showed m e a way you could f e e l under the seat 0-'' of a Hepple- white chair and find a certa in cu rved re in fo rc
  • ggestions. i n the F irst, Red Room the mantl e p i e c e n e e d e d a c o u p l e of Mrs. Kennedy had t a k e n the obelisks t h a t w b e l o n g e d t o h e r when she le f t and he s a i d why d o n ' t you go down t o 'I vermeil room and f i n d
  • iv es o r s o m e t h i n g -V ig n e tte s o f th e d a y - - o n ly o n e w o m a n in th e r e c e iv in g lin e c a l l e d m e M r s . Kennedy. T h a t u s e d to h a p p e n q u ite f r e q u e n tly , b u t no t in th e l a s t y e a r o r tw o
  • Lady Bird sleeps late, goes to Spanish lesson and to hair salon; tea for Friends of the Kennedy Center; Lady Bird mentions guests; receiving line; Lady Bird to Nicaraguan Embassy for tea for diplomatic wives in Lady Bird's honor; drive back to White
  • ; to hair salon; reception in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden for Conference on the Status of Women; Lyn Nugent's birthday party; Luci Nugent records sound from party for Pat Nugent in Vietnam; late dinner; special mass for Lyn Nugent at the White House
  • Jacqueline Kennedy & Aristotle Onassis to marry; Lady Bird visits with Lyndon Jenkins; LBJ visits with Lyndon Jenkins in Oval Office; LBJ Library meeting about "Life in the White House" exhibit; Lady Bird visits with LBJ at lunch; new portraits
  • Lady Bird to hair salon; Lady Bird to Columbia Island for daffodil plantings; back to White House for photos in the Rose Garden & Jacqueline Kennedy Garden; Lady Bird & Lynda Johnson to lunch at the Jockey Club; office work; Lady Bird records diary
  • Meeting with Madam Shoumatoff about FDR portrait; Lady Bird, Nash Castro and Mary Lasker visit award-winning beautification sites; Beautification Committee meeting; Lady Bird mentions attendees and agenda; award ceremony in Jacqueline Kennedy Garden
  • dinner for Prime Minister Harold Holt; Lady Bird has lunch and nap; work on wedding in Jacqueline Kennedy garden; meeting on beautification; article by Barnaby Keeney; office work; bowling; Luci Johnson upset over release of wedding dress design