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Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 1 (I), 10/23/1974, by Michael L. Gillette
Baker’s career in the Senate; LBJ as Senator; Taft-Hartley Act; Senator Russell; Senator Taft; Joe McCarthy; the Smith Amendment; Senator John Bricker; Senator Walter George; the Cloakroom

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 2 (II), 10/31/1974, by Michael L. Gillette
Tidelands legislation; admission of Alaska and Hawaii as states; East-West Center in Honolulu; space program; Senate committee assignments; Estes Kefauver, John Kennedy, and the Foreign Relations Committee; 1960 Democratic National Convention;…

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 3 (III), 12/9/1983, by Michael L. Gillette
LBJ’s election as whip; Senator Ernest McFarland; Senator Richard Russell; Preparedness Committee; Senator Estes Kefauver; Douglas MacArthur’s speech to Congress; natural gas bill; Tidelands bill; Walter Jenkins; LBJ’s love for the ranch and…

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 4 (IV), 2/29/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Adlai Stevenson; 1952 presidential election; Dwight Eisenhower; Harry Truman; Gene McCarthy; John Sparkman; Amon Carter; Senator Richard Russell; Kentucky Derby; LBJ’s relationship with President Eisenhower; economics

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 5 (V), 5/2/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Steve Mitchell; the oil business; drought relief; President Eisenhower; foreign aid; Chiang Kai-Shek; Bricker Amendment; Senator Walter George; Allan Shivers; the 1954 Senate election; Dixon-Yates controversy; Taft-Hartley amendments; Pat McCarran;…

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 6 (VI), 7/24/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Price Daniel and the Senate Judiciary Committee; Democratic Steering Committee; Drew Pearson; Commerce Committee; Senator Alben Barkley; selection of Harry Truman as 1944 vice-presidential candidate; use of Skeeter Johnston's office for lunch;…

Oral history transcript, Robert G. (Bobby) Baker, interview 7 (VII), 10/11/1984, by Michael L. Gillette
Echo Park Dam; interstate highway program and billboards; Allan Shivers; Senate investigations; public housing bill; extreme measures taken to get senators to the Capitol to vote; getting senators out of Washington to win a vote; minimum wage bill;…