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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with James U. Cross"

Oral history transcript, James U. Cross, interview 2 (II), 2/11/1981, by Ted Gittinger
LBJ's trips to Vietnam in 1966 and 1967; LBJ's mood about Vietnam; LBJ's relationship with the military; LBJ and LeMay, McConnell, Wheeler, Moymer, Abrams, Westmoreland and Haig; aspects of the role of a military aide; LBJ and Humphrey; LBJ and…

Oral history transcript, James U. Cross, interview 1 (I), 5/15/1970, by Arthur J. Mayer
Military biography; flights with LBJ when Majority Leader, VP, President and as permanent pilot; appointment in July 1965 as military aide to LBJ; military aides for White House social events; operations of presidential flights; communications on…