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Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview S-II, 11/10/1993, by Robert Dallek
LBJ's decision-making in regard to the Dominican Republic in 1965; Abe Fortas' involvement with the Dominican Republic; LBJ's concern over press coverage and his naivety regarding favorable press coverage; Bundy's involvement in the 1967 Six-Day…
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Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview S-I, 3/30/1993, by Robert Dallek
Robert Dallek's work on LBJ biographies; LBJ's personality; comparing JFK's and LBJ's knowledge of foreign affairs; LBJ's relationships with Secretary of State Dean Rusk, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, and JFK during his vice presidency; LBJ's…
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Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview 3 (III), 3/19/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Problems with Panama/U.S. relations in 1964; LBJ's interaction with Ambassador William Tapley Bennett and events leading up to U.S. intervention in the Dominican Republic; LBJ's decision-making process during the Dominican Republic intervention and…
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Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview 2 (II), 2/17/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
Evaluation of the situation in Vietnam in 1963; the problem with guessing how JFK would have responded to issues LBJ faced in Vietnam and the Dominican Republic; JFK's and LBJ's sensitivity to military opinion and the advice they were given;…
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Oral history transcript, McGeorge Bundy, interview 1 (I), 1/30/1969, by Paige E. Mulhollan
LBJ's knowledge of, and experience with, foreign affairs; LBJ's decision-making process; LBJ's vice presidential trip to Berlin; Walt Rostow and Bundy supporting LBJ as vice president; how Bundy was able to meet influential people through LBJ; LBJ's…
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