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  • See Also is exactly "See all online interviews with Samuel T. Williams"

Oral history transcript, Samuel T. Williams, interview 1 (I), 3/2/1981, by Ted Gittinger
Biographical information; history of U.S. activities in South Vietnam; assignment to Vietnam; Korea; Kumsong salient; Mike O’Daniel; MAAG in Vietnam; 1955 relations with the French; Edward Lansdale; early political-military situation; religious…

Oral history transcript, Samuel T. Williams, interview 2 (II), 3/16/1981, by Ted Gittinger
Agrovilles; insurgency; Madame Nhu; Green Berets; Lionel McGarr; coup d’etat; Father Raymond DeJeagher; Buddhists; press; James A. Van Fleet; troop numbers; other U.S. and Vietnamese officials; country teams in Vietnam