Oral history transcript, Richard Morehead, interview 2 (II), 7/2/1987, by Christie L. Bourgeois


Oral history transcript, Richard Morehead, interview 2 (II), 7/2/1987, by Christie L. Bourgeois

Number of Pages:



Texas tideland issues in the 1950s; cross-filing, which allowed Democrats to support Dwight Eisenhower in the 1952 presidential election; Allan Shivers' support for Republicans; LBJ's and Sam Rayburn's devotion to the Democratic Party; John Tower's election to fill LBJ's Senate seat in 1960; invalidated Texas ballots in the 1960 presidential election; the value of the electoral college; the Constitution Party in Texas; J. Evetts Haley; W. Lee O'Daniel as Texas governor and campaigner; Shivers and the 1947 Texas right-to-work law; organizing urban African Americans in the 1930s under Franklin Delano Roosevelt; Price Daniel's 1952 U.S. Senate campaign based on tidelands issues; the Heman Sweatt lawsuit against the University of Texas Law School; higher education for African Americans; Morehead's work for Southern Education Reporting Service and Southern School News; negative press coverage of the South; school integration and racial violence in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1957; the legal implications of school integration and the states' right to interpose itself between federal and local governments; segregation for Spanish-speaking students; the quality of African American schools and teachers; historically black colleges and universities; Ralph Yarborough; when reporters get involved in the story they are covering; Yarborough's 1952, 1954, and 1956 gubernatorial races; the national-level Democratic Party taking control of the Texas Democratic Party in 1956; the growth of the Republican Party in Texas; land scandal during Shivers' time as governor; Bascom Giles; a federal farm storage scandal involving Billie Sol Estes and Ralph Yarborough's alleged involvement; Texas Commissioner of Agriculture J.E. McDonald; insurance scandals during Shivers' administration and the inception of the state board of insurance; Price Daniel and sales tax in Texas; the 1960 JFK/LBJ presidential campaign; LBJ's statements about JFK before becoming his running mate; giving LBJ credit for helping JFK win the election; Vice President LBJ offering Morehead a job; story about LBJ keeping track of favors, specifically a barber he'd paid for a haircut; the Adolphus Hotel incident; LBJ being lonely as vice president; Tom Connally's funeral; the relationship between John Connally and LBJ; Connally's efforts to get governors' support for LBJ's actions in Vietnam; clashes between Connally and Ronald Reagan; the purpose of JFK's 1963 trip to Texas; how things changed in Texas when LBJ became president; a LBJ Ranch event with General William Westmoreland and German officials; press secretaries George Reedy, Bill Moyers, and George Christian; Morehead's involvement with the Texas Judicial Council reforms; the importance of the judiciary branch of the government; corruption among judges and problems with the election of judges in Texas


Morehead, Richard


LBJ Library Oral Histories

Collection Description:

Go to List of Holdings


Transcripts of LBJ Library Oral Histories


Possibly copyright restricted: see deed at end of transcript for details


Richard Morehead


Christie L. Bourgeois

Specific Item Type:

Oral history









Time Period:

Post-Presidential (Jan. 21, 1969-)