Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/14/1968 (Monday)
Duration: (min: sec):
Number of Pages:
LBJ returns from Texas & is very tired; Lady Bird swims & goes to hair salon; tea with T.J. Taylor's nurse, Jean Hughes; Ms. Hughes gives Lady Bird photos of Taylor; Lynda Robb's pregnancy; tea for National Association of Food Chains; beautification at Giant Food stores; LBJ Library meeting; LBJ & Senator Richard Russell interrupt meeting; Lady Bird bowls; office work; phone calls to houseguests; dinner; LBJ talks about poverty programs; news article about McGeorge Bundy & bombing halt
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007; Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff
Sound Recordings of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary; Annotated Transcripts of Lady Bird Johnson's Diary
Location Details:
White House, Washington, DC
LBJ travel; LBJ health; Johnson family; Lady Bird Johnson personal; Lady Bird Johnson reminiscences; Social events; Beautification; LBJ Library; Congressional relations; Welfare and War on Poverty; Education; Vietnam; Press relations
Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 10/14/1968 (Monday),
Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary Collection,
LBJ Presidential Library,
accessed February 13, 2025,