Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/14/1967 (Thursday)
Duration: (min: sec):
Number of Pages:
Poor weather delays flight to East Texas; Lady Bird answers questions from reporters in Shreveport, LA; drive to Dorris Powell's home in Karnack; new Karnack post office made with bricks from T.J. Taylor's general store; meeting about landscaping; reporters & photographer follow for rest of day; Lady Bird, Dorris & Dorothy Territo to Brick House for visit with Ruth Taylor & a tour; to Harrison County Historical Museum; party at Phillip & Mertie Baldwin's; flight back to Austin & Luci Nugent's home
Johnson, Lady Bird, 1912-2007; Mrs. Johnson's secretarial staff
Audio diary and annotated transcript, Lady Bird Johnson, 12/14/1967 (Thursday),
Lady Bird Johnson's White House Diary Collection,
LBJ Presidential Library,
accessed February 06, 2025,