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  • Time Period > Presidential (Nov. 22, 1963-Jan. 20, 1969) (remove)
  • Collection > LBJ Library Oral Histories (remove)

72 results

  • help him in Texas. Maybe I can help some, but he can help himself, Lady Bird can help him, and then Muriel can help him." Oh, and then he said, "Congressman Jim Wright." man Jim Wright very lavishly. Vice President. And he praised Congress- He
  • call me Bird." I called her Bird until she became the First Lady, when I just don't think that outsiders should be calling the First Lady by her first name; that is for immediate family and very, very close people. P: Was she at that point taking her
  • ; I've forgotten exactly what the date was, but Lady Bird owned a Convair airplane which crashed and the two pilots were killed . 1960 . It seems to me it was in the fall of And he was very much concerned about that . He was concerned about
  • and known throughthe city and the country that this was a special emphasis and interest that high priority was being placed on it . So then it went to the floor . The Republicans, at this stage, made the tactical error of attacking it as Lady Bird's bill
  • Robb, Lynda Bird, 1944-
  • Meetings with LBJ; trips with Lady Bird; trip with Lynda Johnson; assessment of Lady Bird; Wilderness Act; pollution; recreation; East of the Mississippi; acreage use; Redwoods; Job Corps; wilderness areas; National Wild and Scenic Rivers Bill
  • House press apparatus; Dean Acheson; Dean Rusk; Senator Aiken; Congressman Moss; Mr. Rooney; Mr. Katzenbach; Eugene Rostow; the press; Joe Alsop; Vietnam coverage; mail; lag time in making records available; Douglas Cater; transition; Lady Bird; trip
  • could about him, and I thought she was the best source on him . And she was . She was such a graciots lady too that--well, you'd walk into the Driskill with her on your arm, and they had an old white-haired maitre d' in the dining room of the Driskill
  • Robb, Lynda Bird, 1944-
  • , you know, just by happenchance. I think I was with Dad and Tony Buford from St. Louis and Mr. Johnson the night after Lynda Bird was born. B: What was Mr. Johnson like as a brand new father? C: Well, you know, that's a long time ago. My
  • Biographical information; San Marcos; Professor Greene; White Stars; NYA; roadside parks; projects; programs; LBJ's activities; Lady Bird; Alvin Wirtz; 1937 Congressional campaign
  • : That house was a duplex, was it not? H: Yes, it was. Mr. Johnson and Lady Bird lived on one side and rented out the other to various people. John and Nellie Connally lived there for awhile, as did others. Other people of his staff
  • attack; Lady Bird's increased role in the office
  • who are there but whom we haven't been able to put our fingers on. can do that for me. You If you don't get the proper kind of response from me, take it up with Lady Bird because she and Liz Carpenter mount that door all the time, and put
  • First meeting with LBJ; LBJ’s relationship to Rayburn; Carl Vinson and FDR; LBJ in the House; Lady Bird; Civil Rights Bill; LBJ’s relationship with Humphrey, Truman, Eisenhower and the Kennedy’s; LBJ’s opinion of career military people; 1956
  • ; campaigned in Texas in every election since 1954; 1957 Civil Rights Act; LBJ’s philosophy of the art of the possible; labor issues; 1960 support of Symington; Lady Bird; Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt; comparison of Labor Department under JFK and LBJ; LBJ’s
  • ; attack on LBJ and Lady Bird at the Adolphus Hotel; Adlai Stevenson; Position of U.S. Attorney; Reception for VP LBJ at the Adolphus Hotel; planning for JFK-LBJ trip to Dallas; November 22, 1963; Bill Alexander wanted to file a complaint on Oswald’s behalf
  • ; contact with LBJ; Lady Bird; access to the President; Kennedy Round; comparison of LBJ and JFK staffs; support of RFK after 3/31 announcement; LBJ request not to actively support a candidate; difference in general agricultural policy between LBJ and JFK
  • Stevenson; how Cohen met LBJ; Carolyn Agger Fortas; Lady Bird Johnson as a businesswoman; Cohen's legal work for the Johnsons; Cohen's work for the Arnold, Fortas and Porter law firm; Cohen's relationship with Walter Jenkins; the day of JFK's assassination
  • bought the radio station for a nominal amount of money, I don't remember now, but it was something that he and Bird could get together and pay for it . And, as you know, the history of that, he put it to where, by living there and working at it, he made
  • to Viet Nam. The President and Mrs. Johnson and Lynda Bird came over to the parade ground at the headquarters to see a Friday night parade, and I was there as the senior Navy Secretary official. And after the parade, I went up in the Commandant's
  • through the Committee on Agriculture, a bill to put a license on migratory- -to hunt migratory birds known as the Duck Stamp Law. And we've collected millions of dollars out of that, and we saved the ducks that way. Then I helped to enact a law called
  • at that particular date has to be established by an entirely different crew of appraisers. These birds have to go into the Archives to get their information, and they're terribly expensive. Then, finally, after evaluation is determined, we have a third phase
  • by their shots. From this vantage point of overlooking the steps in the front of the Capitol, we had something of a bird's eye view of at least these people leaving the House side ofthe Capitol. I was impressed, of course, at that time with the way that when he
  • the tag in, and in turn receives a fee. This is a part of the license that the state issues, Then in turn the state puts some of their money back into development of water holes, development of guzzlers for small birds, small animals, development of some
  • merchants out of business, and would make it almost impossible to raise certain crops profitably . go up . And one finds that at Interior that the voice may You know, ''Pesticides are killing our birds and spoiling our recreation areas . " And since
  • the responsibility, said, "Jim, you're going to have to bird-dog this. Then in 1963 when the Clean Air Act passed, this was the time when Tony Celebrezze was there, so he said, "You pursue the air pollution control as well." So I was involved in these programs